The New Prescribed Evolution
The original Prescribed Evolution blog got pretty cluttered so I am starting a new one. Hopefully I will be able to better manage this one than the original.
This blog is an extension of my earlier "Prescribed Evolution" blog which got cumbersome with over 800 posts.
Well folks. Here is the latest from the Bunker and it is VERY revealing.
It seems Arden Chatfield suggested that someone register with an assuumed name at Uncommon Descent for the purpose of embarrassing DaveScot. Here is Der Fuhrer's response.
"I really rather you didn't. I personally don't crank into other sites where I am told I am not welcome. I don't approve of the practice when it goes against my wishes, and can't condone it being done elsewhere."
Don't you just love that "when it goes against my wishes." It leaves little doubt about who is running the show at Panda's Thumb. And that is a forum?
Chatfield dutifully responded with what is essentially a - "Jawohl Mein Fuhrer. It won't happen again"
Why Der Fuhrer, you are always welcome to post here just as is everyone else. I would just love it if you would. Of course you had your chance when I sponsored the First Annual Tournament of Evolutionary Mechanisms and like everyone else you too failed to show.
Thanks for once again exposing yourself as the intellectual tyrant you really are.
I see you have also arranged for my thread to disappear into the sunset just as you did before when I was posting at Panda's Pathetic Pollex. You are a class act.
I love it so!
In case anyone is interested I will delete without explanation any comment which I regard as either nonsubstantive or personally denigrating. If you can't address the significance of this blog to the current evolutionary scene, just don't post. I have had a bellyful of being the punching bag for a bunch of illiterate morons.
This chap Pianka has created quite a stir down in Texas. It is discussed over at Uncommon Descent.
While I don't approve of his methods, he is right on about the future if something isn't done about the increase in the human population.
Here are my recommendations. We must have an enforcable policy of one child per couple. This is a global problem and there is only one body that could conceivably enforce it, the United Nations. It might prove to be the only thing the UN ever did that was right. The Chinese are to be lauded for being the first to recognize this crisis. If every couple produced only one replacement, numbers would rapidly decrease to manageable levels. I personally see no other rational solution.
Any ideas from others on this most important problem?
A past evolution is undeniable. A present evolution is undemonstrable.
As usual DaveScot dismisses everything with a wave of his egomaniacal hand. He dismisses global warning. He dismisses the fact that evolution is finished. He dismisses Pianka's warning of impending doom if something isn't done about the increase in human numbers. He dismisses everything that did not originate in his own pontificating view of the universe and even claims credit for things that did not. Apparently he even believes that "natural selection" is going to solve future problems. Natural selection never did anything except ensure ultimate extinction.
DaveScot is the best thing that ever happened at Dembski's blog as DaveScot diverts all attention from Dembski, thereby allowing Dembski to remain safely above the fray. Dembski uses DaveScot as I play on my piano. If you don't believe me look in on "After The Pub Closes," aka "Welsberry's Tomb and Bunker" and see who takes all the flack. He deserves it.
Pianka is the best thing that has happened in a long time simply because he has dramatically drawn attention to the most pressing problem facing humankind which is humankind itself. There are way too many of us. Pianka's reward is to be treated as loony. Those that fail to realize the significance of his admittedly bizarre warning and incisively act on it are fools. Got that? Write that down! I have invited Pianka to participate here. I hope he accepts.
"A past evolution is undeniable. A present evolution is undemonstrable."
John A. Davison
I love it so!
Some guy with the alias of thordaddy has introduced the following thread over at the Bunker -
"Life doesn't begin at conception?"
Since I cannot post there, let me straighten out the folks over at the Bunker with a little free basic reproductive physiology and common sense.
No thordaddy, life doesn't begin at conception. I thought everybody knew that by now, but not the folks over at the Bunker.
Life has been a continuum just as has been evolution. Every thing that now inhabits the earth is the most recent extension of millions of cells every one of which was alive long enough to produce the next generation. Think about it. Was your daddy's spermatozoon alive when it penetrated your momma's ovum? Of course it was and so ad infinitum into the past all the way back to the original primeval ancestor or ancestors. There is no such thing as the beginning of contemporary life in any form. There is only death and that only has significance if the individual or the race has not reproduced. In the latter case it is called extinction, the phylogenetic equivalent to the death of the individual. Extinction, by the way, is all that is currently going on.
The question - when does life begin? - is utterly absurd.
"A past evolution is undeniable. A present evolution is undemonstrable."
John A. Davison
I love it so!
I will appear at a local high school in Hinesberg Vermont on Wednesday noon as part of a panel dealing with the ID / Darwin controversy. Other panelists will be a Darwinian from the University of Vermont and a lawyer representing the ACLU. I am looking forward to this very much and will report back to you on the proceedings Wednesday evening.
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As I have repeatedly claimed, natural selection prevents change and never had anything to do with the creation of a new species. This was first recognized by Reginald C. Punnett and Leo Berg. Pigeons demonstrate this very nicely. The common pigeon (Columba livia) is common here in the North East. In rural areas it exists pretty much with the original wild type plumage, while in urban city parks such as we have in Burlington Vermont one finds all kinds of plumage variations. I live in an intermediate zone, still urban but near the adjoining countryside where the pigeons show an intermediate degree of plumage variation. This can all be explained as the relaxation of natural selection where predators are not present. The variations we see in plumage are all due to Mendelian, sexually inherited, allelic mutations which of course never had anything to do with evolution either.
A few years ago a Peregrine Falcon appeared on the water tower at the University of Vermont and in a few weeks all the pigeons on campus disappeared. Then the falcon took off. Pigeons are once more on the upswing and I am sure the pattern will be repeated.
So you see the cornerstone of the Darwinian myth, natural selection, has and had absolutely nothing to do with creative evolution. Quite the contrary it prevents evolution now just as it always did in the past. How wrong can an hypothesis possibly be?
Darwinism is a giant illusion based on the unwarranted assumption that evolution had an external cause. That assumption has resulted in 147 years of what can only be described as a continuous "mass hysteria." Such a cause has never been identified because such a cause never existed. Phylogeny, exactly like ontogeny, resulted, past tense, solely from the preprogrammed release of endogenous developmental sequences which were front-loaded into the evolving system millions of years ago. Phylogeny is finished, of that I am now certain. Ontogeny, which proceeds in exactly the same way as did phylogeny, is all that remains.
Speaking of both ontogeny and phylogeny:
"Neither in the one nor in the other is there room for chance."
Leo Berg, Nomogenesis, page 134
If not chance then what? I'll tell you what - The Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis that is what!
Now if someone feels this is not to their liking, please feel free to present counter arguments as I am more than willing to defend my thesis here or anywhere else.
"War, God help me, I love it so!"
General George S. Patton, like Einstein and myself, a convinced determinist.
So do I George. Bring it on!
Crevo over at "Creation Bits" was kind to scan and present my first evolutionary paper - "Semi-meiosis as an evolutionary mechanism" which was published in 1984. DaveScot has also added it to the sidebar at Uncommon Descent. I have asked that it be presented as a thread at "brainsorms" but have received no reply to that request. It looks as if I am entering the "don't exist" zone again just as have all my distinguished sources. It is unfortunate.
In any event, anyone who is really interested in the history of the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis (PEH) should consult that paper as it was there that the the whole thing began. If you have any questions I will be happy to attempt to answer them here.
Well thank you noah. Now if we can only get someone to read, comprehend and acknowledge them. That seems to be the hard part doesn't it?
My experience at the high school forum was very rewarding. It seems that 10th grade students are far more receptive to the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis than are adults. The Darwinian was a very mild and good natured Biochemist from the UVM Med School who is about to retire and and didn't seem to care much one way or the other. The ACLU fellow was not a lawyer and was more interested in talking about civil rights than about Intelligent Design. I had a ball myself, but then I usually do!
I love it so!
By the way I just let murray rennie have the last word over at my old blog as a testament to the kind of unfulfilled mindless anti-intellectuals that people like himself and Falan Ox really are. They offer nothing but vitriol wherever they surface because they never had an original idea in their entire lives. They loathe anyone that thinks any different than they do which is of course not at all. Please go read what he has to say and consider it for what it really is.
"Since God found it necessary to limit man's intelligence, why didnt he also limit his stupidity?"
Konrad Adenauer
I love it so!
The kind of attention that you are getting is nothing to be jealous of. You are an arrogant, domineering, intellectual bigot who is being used by a closet religious fanatic who doesn't even believe in evolution. I am going to leave your comments stand because they typify your whole attitude, one of snide superiority and condescension toward anyone, including myself, with whom you may have differences. I'm the one that put you on the right road and you know it. My reward was to be banned from a forum you run with an iron fist. I was banned on trumped up charges and it was because Dembski is scared to death of me and my sources and he should be. So are the Darwimps. You just do his dirty work for him and he loves it.
Your primary function is to draw fire away from Dembski which is probably the only reason Dembski tolerates you.
Look at yourself. You endorse my papers and at the same time you accuse me of not knowing diddly squat about information storage. You claim man has no control over the earth and you wonder why some think you are a loser? You issue these dicta without ever considering the results of your actions. You have alienated more people than anyone else in my memory. You knee-jerk dumped all over this guy in Texas and so did your boss when it turns out you should have crapped on Mims who screwed up everything that was presented. Now you are trying to cover it all up by quoting a couple of students. People that are crazy or dangerous don't usually get standing ovations from their peers.
Thanks for posting links to my papers.
Swift is a good brand. I think they are Swiss but I can't remember for sure. What did you get the microscope for? Are you planning on becoming a scientist? It is a little late but better late than never. You sure haven't been one so far.
Thanks for posting.
I love it so!
In case you missed it, I just deleted another stupid comment from rurray mennie. He never offered anything of substance anywhere he ever posted, just like his "prescribed" mentally impaired buddy, Falan Ox. If you can't say something rational, don't post. I am tired of taking crap from anyone anymore. Got that? Write that down.
I love it so!
To get back to DaveScot. He also has dismissed global warming even though atmospheric CO2 levels continue to climb each year. He is also on record that there is no evidence for extinction, at least none that will satisfy his pontificating mind. As near as I can tell he doesn't recognize, as I and my sources have, that evolution is finished either. He accuses me of publishing on the basis of "instinct" when every word that comes from his keyboard is based on pure instinct, often of the knee jerk variety.
I never published a single paper based on "instinct" and I never will. As a matter of fact 90 percent of my work is based on the conclusions of the finest evolutionary minds of the last two centuries not one of whom was either a Darwinian mystic or a religious fanatic. All I have done is to extend their perspectives to the only possible proper conclusion. There was never a role for the environment in creative evolution. There is also no reason whatsoever to postulate a personal intervening God to explain what has happened.
The title of the forum from which DaveScot holds forth is "Uncommon Descent," a title which implies that man is not an animal. That same forum proposes that Intelligent Design is an "inference" that must be supported by debate. It is no wonder that Dembski refuses to acknowledge my existence. You see I was critical of the IDists when I said that it was a mistake to present Intelligent Design for debate. That is all it took to put me on their short list too just as the Darwinians have. What a waste of time to debate something as obvious as Intelligent Design. That obvious waste of time has been thoroughly exploited by Dembsk and his devoted followers. I wouldn't give a nickel for any other forum on the internet today because every one of them is dominated by some wing of either the chance worshipping Darwinian atheists or the Bible-Banging Christian Fundamentalsts who don't even believe man is an animal. I say a pox on both their houses.
"And then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics and it stems from the same source...They are creatures that can't hear the music of the spheres."
Albert Einstein
"The main source of the present-day conflicts between the spheres of religion and science lies in the concept of a personal God."
"A past evolution is undeniable. A present evolution is undemonstrable."
John A. Davison
There now I feel somewhat better.
I love it so!
In case you didn't notice, I just deleted another mindless attempt to be insulting from rurray mennie.
Needless to say:
I love it so!
You are performing according to expectations. I wouldn't delete this outburst from you for the world as I want the world to see just what kind of low life you really are.
You attack me personally about things you know absolutely nothing. My relationship with my students has always been great. It is only with close-minded insecure intellectual fascists like yourself that I have chronic problems and I always will have.
So my papers are "goofy" are they? Then why do you say I may be right? Why have you agreed with my conclusions? Why do you list them all on the sideboard? My papers are published and are now for all time right next to those of my sources, some of of the greatest minds of two centuries. Where will I find your publications dealing with the great mystery of evoluton?
I am certainly not bitter about anything. I am having the time of my life managing somehow, without intending to do so, to provoke exactly the kind of behavior you are now exhibiting. You are no better than the Darwimps over at the Bunker. It is what happens when undeniable truth encounters the kind of insecurity and emotional instability you are now demonstrating so perfectly.
It is you that are bitter, insecure, vicious and insulting and, what is most remarkable, you are bent on making sure that everyone knows it. You are an emotional wreck and a wonder to behold. Naturally, I love it so!
Now if you feel like making a perfect ass of yourself again, feel free to do it right here as I wouldn't dream of preventing you from exposing yourself as the moral and ethical trash that you really are. In the meantime crawl back to Uncommon Descent, the only forum that will have you, and do your duty to the great God Dembski. Flex your muscles dumping on posters, trashing anyone that dares take exception with you or your fearless leader. It obviously means the world to you to be in a position of absolute authority. Without it you are nothing and with it you are less than nothing, just another garden variety bully.
Thanks for posting.
I love it so!
I hope someone will inform the bunch over at the Bunker about how DaveScot has displayed himself here on my blog. With a friend like DaveScot, who needs enemies?
I love it so!
Falan Ox
Do as your told you degenerate moron. I will look for it and it better be there. Now I will delete you.
While the twin geniuses, DaveScot and Dembski at Uncommon Descent are busy treating Eric Pianta as a danger to society, I recommend all go to Pianta's home page and read his short piece:
"What nobody wants to hear but everyone needs to know."
It is right on and he should be honored instead of vilified for having the guts to so effectively bring it to everyone's attention with his recent speech in Texas.
Those who are so arrogant as to think technology will allow unlimited growth are the real dangers in this world. Frankly I think it is already too late for us to avoid a global catastrophe of disease far more devastating than the plagues of the middle ages. We have been incredibly lucky that it hasn't already taken place. We have even more to fear from our 7 billion chickens than we do from the Muslim terrorists that threaten our Western Civilization.
The smartest step that could be made right now would be to make the consumption of chicken illegal. I am certain this would serve to stir up a hornet's nest of knee jerk vilification if anyone took me seriously which is extremely unlikely even though I am perfectly sincere.
It is of no consequence that our reproductive and other individual rights must be superceded by exigency as we are talking about the survival of humankind here.
As should be recognized, the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis is based on the model provided by ontogeny in which the terminus of the death of the individual is the equivalent to the extinction of the species. The history of the fossil record is the history of extinction. Are we to believe that we are exempt from that fate? So it would seem from the reactions to Pianta's speech.
I am happy to join with Pianta in his call to wake up and do something to avert what otherwise will be inevitable, the suicide of the terminal product of millions of years of evolution, Homo sapiens translated as wise man. Apparently nothing could be further from the truth.
"Since God found it necessary to limit man's intelligence why didn't he also limit his stupidity?"
Konrad Adenauer
Excuse my misprint. It is Eric Pianka, not Pianta.
Thank you DaveScot for once again demonstrating your real self for all to savor and appreciate. I wouldn't delete your garbage for the world. But surely you can do better than that. Come on show us what you are really capable of. Better yet, do it from your home base, Uncommon Descent, the only forum that will have you. I am sure Dembski and the rest of the "groupthink" would just love to know what you have to say about me. He hasn't got the guts or the common decency to even mention my name because he is scared fecesless of me and my sources. He should be. He is no better than Esley Welsberry and you are no better than Sir Toejam.
I love it so!
Thanks for posting.
"'Will you walk into my parlour?' said the spider to the fly;
'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy.'"
Mary Howitt
I haven't attended Church in over a year and I have never taken Confession. So you see as usual you start off with a typical propaganda ploy known far and wide as the "big lie technique." That figures.
As for deletion, the success of my earlier blog and it most certainly was just that, resided in the fact that I was forced to let very moron in cyberspace expose himself just as I intend to let you do the same even though I now have the power to delete you. It is the American way and you are a perfect example of its utility. You see the garbage that you present is of great significance because it demonstrates beyond any doubt the extent to which the current internet scene is dominated by pontificating, insulting and denigrating blowhards like yourself. You are no better than Scott Page. He at least has the sense to leave me alone which is more than I can say for you. You may notice that P.Z. Meyers, who once greeted me with "your stench has preceded you" is suddenly quiet and doesn't even mention my name. Esley Welsberry (pronounced Velsberry) has even now decided my name is not to be mentioned again at the Bunker. I have asked Falan Ox to bring your outbursts to the attention of the Bunker crowd but he doesn't dare offend Der Fuhrer Herr Doktor Professor Welsberry.
Incidentally Dembski has never mentioned my name anywhere and neither have Behe, Wells, Johnson or any of the others at the Discovery Institute. Yet they will freely post my papers just as you have.
Only the great DaveScot is willing to insult and degrade the one published scientist who has presented a new hypothesis for evolution that recognizes that evolution has been planned from beginning to end. If there was ever an hypothesis that should have been embraced by the Intelligent Design crowd it is the PEH. Why hasn't this been the case? I will tell you why. Because every one of the spokespersons for both the Darwinian and the ID camps is a flaming insecure, uneducated egomaniac who is scared to death of me and my sources - that is why. I have not had to pander to a bunch of Bible banging Fundies as Dembski has and I sure haven't had to cozy up to a bunch of flaming Darwinian mystics either. None of my sources ever did either. If they hadn't been such perfect gentlemen this whole debate would never have taken place. Well I am through being a gentleman. God knows I tried at every forum I ever entered and was greeted each time with enormous disdain and every conceivable sort of unprofessional treatment. The only exceptions were those that ignored my posts completely and let them die on the vine as they disappeared into the sunset, places like John Rennie's SciAm Perspectives. That seems to be the present situation that is developing at "brainstorms" as well. Micah Sparacio all of a sudden has decided that he is no longer able to present my papers for discussion there. He sure had no hesitation doing it in the past.
I suspect he is not acting alone. I think I know and if I could prove who is influencing him I would be happy to disclose it.
You see I have always been right up front, letting everyone do exactly what they insist on doing, what they were "prescribed" to do.
You are no exception DaveScot. You are living proof of what Einstein said:
"Our actions should be based on the ever-present awareness that human beings in their thinking, feeling, and acting are not free but are just as causally bound as the stars in their motion."
You are not one of the lucky ones I am afraid. Never fear, I wouldn't delete you for the world. You are turning out to be one of best allies.
Thanks for posting.
I love it so!
Be sure to check out DaveScot's latest pearl of wisdom over at Uncommon Descent.
"What good are lizards."
He is not only dumping on Pianka who is a fine naturalist but he is now dumping on PH.D.s generally. He is even explaining to all how we can get off this planet and go elsewhere when things get sticky here. Of course he doesn't tell us just where we will be going or how we will get there. At the rate we are messing up the only planet in the solar system that can possibly sustain life in any form, we won't have time to even think about going elsewhere. I thought everybody knew that by now but not the great DaveScot. He knows, apparently through his technology worshipping instinct, that which everybody else is convinced is out of the question. He actually thinks we will still be extant for the millions of years before the sun gives out. We won't see another millennium of that I am certain no matter what we do now. We are finished friends. Get used to it as I have. The "prescribed" evolutionary scenario has run its course and we are on the verge of oblivion. It has been a giant cosmic joke and I am sure the Big Front Loader is laughing his ass off. I know I am!
Isn't scence fun?
I love it so!
I see DaveScot thought better of his mindless outburst and deleted it, unfortunately for him not before I read it and commented on it. If DaveScot is going to insult me I thought he at least had the courage to let his insults stand. One thing I abhor is a two faced arrogant gutless hypocrit. I find it very revealing that when I let his garbage stand it is he that has to delete it. I sure as hell didn't and never would. That is for the benefit of my audience assuming I even have one.
Who is next?
I love it so!
The next time you open your insulting arrogant trap on my blog be more careful what you say because I will copy it and repost it for all to see in case you decide to delete it. Got that? Write that down.
Now go back to Dembski and resume picking on Pianka. I am certain you will never mention my name again on Dembski's blog. You won't for exactly the same reason Falan Ox won't mention my name on Welsberry's Bunker. In a word it is called - FEAR!
I love it so!
I see DaveScot is now lecturing Pianka and everyone else of course about how life came here from elsewhere and will spread from here througout the galaxies when the time comes for us to be forced to abandon this earth.It is a hoot.
I love it so!
I agree that Pianka's specific suggestions seem pretty gross. The important point is that he brought to our attention what I think is the most important issue confronting us which is our numbers. I believe Pianka was seriously misinterpreted because otherwise I cannot image why he would be given a standing ovation from his peers.
In any event he is a first class and widely respected naturalist and does not deserve the kind of verbal abuse that is being heaped on him by the folks at Uncommon Descent or anywhere else for that matter. Heaping abuse seems to be DaveScot's special forte. He is arrogant, intolerant, self-centered, hypocritical, thoughtless and obnoxious in no particular order. I love it when he posts his stuff here. I would never dream of deleting it.
I have invited Pianka to participate on my blog although I don't really expect him to do so.
We are in far more danger from our seven billion chickens than from ebola or any other element in today's world. One cannot maintain stable monocultures of 7 billion humans, a like number of chickens, 2 billion cattle and another 2 billion or so of various other domesticated edible mammals. We are also doing ourselves in with our total disregard for our environment and all the technology in the world will not save us. I sincerely believe it is already to late to prevent devastating catastrophes within the present century but of course that is just me. I am used to being ignored just as were all my sources ignored. People believe what the want to believe which is, of course like everything else, "prescribed."
"Everything is determined... by forces over which we have no control."
Albert Einstein
"Our actions should be based on the ever-present awareness that human beings in their thinking, feeling, and acting are not free but are just as causally bound as the stars in their motion."
"Every boy and every girl that is born into the world alive,
Is either a little liberal or a little conservative."
Gilbert and Sullivam, Iolanthe
95 percent plus of all University Professors are politically liberal mudddle-headed relativists which is probably a pleiotropic expression of Darwinian atheist mysticism. In short they were PRESCRIBED or, if you prefer, BORN THAT WAY.
I wish I could be kidding but I am not.
Thanks for posting.
Unfortunately that is exactly what I believe to be the case. It is a sort of preprogrammed suicide like salmon swimming upstream to breed and then die. It is also a kind of cruel joke. I am sure others would not agree with me and that is fine too. We have very little control of how we think and some don't think at all!
"When all think alike no one thinks very much."
Walter Lippmann
I love it so!
I love it so!
I see DaveScot over at Uncommon Descent (that very title rankles me no end as it presumes that man is not a product of organic evolution) is now bragging about the great deal of attention that Uncommon Descent is getting from its visitor ratings.
Who is surprised? We have a prematurely retired Dell computer engineer smearing a distinguishged naturalist who had the courage to remind us that man is his own greatest enemy. As is typical, all that DaveScot can do is attack anyone who doesn't think exactly as he does. He is the quintessential intellectual bully, dutifully mimicking the sentiments of his fearless leader, Bill Dembski who also loves to attack those of different persuasion from his own. All that we see these days are mindless attacks between opposed factions, the atheist Darwinian mystics on the one hand and the closet Christian Fundamentalists on the other, both abysmally out of touch with reality.
Professor Pianka has dramatically reminded us of the most important challenge facing humanity, our own survival. His reward has been to be ridiculed, denigrated and debased by lightweight pseudo-scientists like Demnbski and DaveScot neither of whom have ever dirtied their dainty little fingers in any aspect of the real biological world, never examined a living thing up close, never did an experiment and never even thought about how to do one. These latter day armchair experts offer nothing any more tangible than did the "Three Stooges" of Darwinian mysticism. Gephen J. Stould, Mernst Ayr and Dichard Rawkins. I get an enormmous kick out of these "experts" who know by instinct that which still remains an enormous mystery, the mechanism of organic evolution. All they can do is turn on anyone who might deviate even a millimicron from their own "prescribed" narrow minded, bigoted and largely uninformed view of the world. They make me sick to my stomach.
The fact remains that Pianka received a standing ovation from his peers. That is a matter of record and requires no further interpretation from DaveScot, William Dembski or anyone else. Yet they isnsist on just that. I recommend that Dembski close his forum. It is contributimg nothing of value to the current intellectual scene and much that is proving to be permanently detrimental.
There now I feel somewhat better.
I love it so!
I have a very good idea of what technology is capable of today and what it isn't capable of today also. We haven't even made a new species yet while we are killing off the ones that we have with gay abandon. The notion of the earth as a giant organism is pure mysticism which doesn't surprise me in the least. DaveScot has been reading too much science fiction. At least he admits it.
It is true that we live in the age of technology. We have already exploited all the other ages and they have all gone down the tubes. Technology is the terminal age in the whole scheme of things and it will last just about as long as each of the others, a few hundred years. After that there will be nothing. We already are at two hundred years if you take the steam engine as time zero.
What I find amazing is the extent to which DaveScot knows about the minds of others. He lumps me with Pianka as some kind of Neanderthal who doesn't know what is going on in the world and is out of touch with all the great strides that being made. I am aware of those strides and I see them approaching a limit just as did the great ages of music, literature and the arts. DaveScot sees no limits, confident that man's genius will save him from autodestruction. That is pure mysticism and science fiction. It is also both arrogant and dangerous. Oblivious to reality he lives in a fantasy world of his own design. He is not the first to make this mistake. Paul Kammerer did the same thing. Richard Dawkins is a more recent example just as Gould and Mayr were before him. These smug know it alls spend all their time trying to force their warped ideas down the throats of others often quite successfully. Only they have the real keys to the future, only they have the inside track. Everyone else is a loser.
I invited Pianka to participate here because I feel he is being unjustifiably abused by DaveScot, Dembski and others. Even here DaveScot finds it necessary to deprecate both Pianka and myself by lumping us together. We don't think his way so there is something wrong with us. I am sure I could learn a lot more real biology from Pianka than I could ever learn from DaveScot. I also doubt that Pianka would dismiss my papers as "goofy" or claim that I didn't know "diddly squat about information storage." Those are the words of a bully and an intolerant bully at that. Words have meaning.
The notion that the earth is a giant organism is absurd and pure fantasy. What is this crap about mankind being the reproductive organ? And DaveScot thinks I am out of touch!
If the world is a giant organism it is suffering from an advanced case of autoimmune disease because it is destroying itself and very few seem to be aware of it or even care, Pianka and myself being exceptions.
Thanks for posting and don't delete yourself again. I sure won't. Words have meaning.
I love it so!
Incidentally DaveScot, since I allow you to freely hold forth here why don't you offer me the same opportunity at Uncommon Descent? Is it possibly because Dembski might disapprove? Is Dembski like Elsberry over at Panda's Thumb? Is he also scared to death of me and my predecessors? If you are permitted to mouth off here and you most certainly are as you just proved, why am I denied the same opportunity where, by marked contrast, you rule with an iron fist? What kind of intellectual exchange is this? You see I have never found it necessary to delete anything that represented the beliefs of any adversary and you know it. It is only when confronted with pure drivel that I have deleted anything and even that rarely enough.
These questions require answers. Now let's hear them. If you do not answer them that will be answer enough. It will mean that like EvC, ARN, Panda's Thumb, Pharyngula and FringeSciences, Uncommon Descent too is ideologically incapable of dealing openly and objectively with the greatest unsolved problem in all of biological science - organic evolution. The ball is in your court.
Whatever your response feel free always to post here. I wouldn't delete you no matter what you say or how you say it. Got that? Write that down.
I love it so!
When, pray tell, did I ever come crawling to DaveScot? That is another one for you to answer. It was you that invited me back to Uncommon Descent from which forum I had previously been banned by your fearless leader. He saw to it that I was banned again and you even took credit for it. Good for you. You are a class act. You are to Dembski what SirToeJam is to Elsberry.
Thanks for posting. Don't stop. You are one of my greatest allies and don't even realize it.
I love it so!
I have no idea where you got the idea that I believe that the world is a giant organism. That is DaveScot's personal invention and is pure fantasy. He is good at that. He is even convinced that mankind is the gonad! I love it so!
It is hard to believe isn't it?
Thanks for posting.
Once again DaveScot resorts to insult instead of rational dialogue. Don't lose any sleep waiting for me to "get back to you." I am not one of your head nodding minions at Uncommon Descent you egomaniacal sociopath. It is you that must get back to me. I have asked you some very significant questions and I expect answers.
Here is something that occurred to me in the bath tub this morning. I geta lot of my ideas soaking in the tub. I am afarid to take showers for fear of falling down and breaking something. I want someone to name a more tolerant forum than this one anywhere on the internet. I have invited everyone of whatever persuasion to present their views in Prescribed Evolution I, only to discover that no one showed up. That ran for 848 posts without a single rejection on my part. Of course that was because I couldn't delete anything. New Prescribed Evolution, this blog, is not really any different. I have had to delete only a few posts and those were of no significance anyway. In fact it was DaveScot who found it necessary to delete one of his own posts as it was so viciously insulting and degrading that even he, believe it or not, must have felt it was inappropriate.
So let me repeat my challenge. Show me a more tolerant host on the internet. I wouldn't dream of banning anyone. That is nothing but intellectual cowardice that demonstrates a profound insecurity.
How many have you banned DaveScot besides myself I mean?
I'm all ears.
I love it so!
I am a little disappointed that you too have succumbed to the loath Pianka syndrome. He had his purposes in saying waht he did and they were noble purposes. I still say that when the Texas Academy of Sciences can give the man a standing ovation at the end of his talk he has accomplished something significant. I hope he scared the bejeesus out of his audience. It is time someone did. I would do the same thing if I had a chance. The only difference is that I would choose chickens as the most likely culprit instead of the ebola virus. I predict that one way or another the human population will undergo a drastic reduction within this century. It is its only hope. It may already be too late.
"The one thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history."
Who said that? I can't seem to find the source.
I love it so!
DaveScot lies. The comment for which I was deleted was perfectly civil. I don't even think DeveScot is the one that deleted it although he dutifully claims responsibility. His loyalty to the great God Dembski has no limits as Uncommon Descent is the only forum that can tolerate DaveScot. Without Dembski he is nothing. With Dembski he is Dembski's slave.
Note that DaveScot knows by his infallible instinct that he can tell when I have been drinking. Dembski uses DaveScot to divert attention from himself and all his fellow Fundamentalist followers. "Uncommon Descent" - the very words stick in my craw.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Dembski's forum folded. Oh my goodness, what would the iron-fisted blogczar do then? Who would have him? No one that I know.
I wouldn't delete DaveScot from this blog no matter what he says about me or to me here or anywhere else. I don't have to worry about his saying anything about me at Uncommon Descent. He wouldn't dare mention my name for the same reason that my name is not to be mentioned at Panda's Thumb. Unlike DaveScot I don't have to delete or ban my adversaries, no matter what their vitriol, stupidity or denigration. Quite the contrary, I encourage them to do their thing. It is the American way. It worked beautifully in the old blog and it will work here too.
What I want to know is when are DaveScot and Dembski going to publicly apologize to Eric Pianka? They should you know. That is now becoming crystal clear.
I am also eagerly waiting for evidence for a more tolerant blog than this one. If none appears I will just have to assume the obvious - that none exists.
"A man in armor is his armor's slave."
Robert Browning
I love it so!
If DaveScot couldn't care less why does he insist in posting here? I will tell you why. He us too cowardly to do it anywhere else that's why. He is nothing but a pompous, misguided, hostile, sociopathic blowhard.
The Gaia hypothesis is pure science fiction mysticism, something DaveScot is really good at. I would like to know which planet in which solar system he has in mind for man's next habitat.
Let's hear all about it including the length of time it will take to get there. I'm all ears.
I am not surprised that Dawkins also proclaims the insanity of the Gaia hypothesis. It wasn't his idea and that is the only reason. He is obviously deranged, each book more bizarre than its predecessor. I still feel he will either do himself in or end up in a straight jacket. He never was a scientist. Neither were Mayr and Gould. Collectively they are the "Three Stooges" of evolutionary science.
"We seek and offer ourselves to be gulled."
I love it so!
Well folks, it is the same old same old. I offer challenges and no responses appear. Like my sources I do not exist. It is easier for the ideologues that way don't you know.
DaveScot comtinues with his "hit and run" tactics just as he did at my previous blog, avoiding basic questions, refusing to defend his pronunciamentos, casting aspersions with utter abandon and then smugly retreating after instructing me to get back to him after I have done his bidding. Fat chance.
The man is just like Dawkins, living in a fantasy world of his own construction, lashing out blindly at anyone who would question his convictions. Meanwhile Dembski is happy as a clam with him becasue he absorbs all the criticism that Dembski is ultimately responsible for. These internet forums are nothing but platforms for egomaniacal extremists, wallowing in their own autoperceived superiority and denigrating anyone with ideas at odds with their own. It is thigh-slappingly hilarious is what it is.
"Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know."
"When little is known with certainty, every man is an expert."
John A. Davison
I sure am glad that I finally got around to formally publishing the PEH. It is the only rational evolutionary hypothesis going.
I love it so!
Even some of the inmates over at Der Fuhrer Herr Doktor Professor Welsberry's (pronounced Velsberry)Bunker realize that Pianka has been unjustly denigrated. Check it out. Can't you just see Dembski and DaveScot issuing an apology? Fat chance.
I love it so!
DaveScot or anyone else for that matter who might choose to chime in.
Which planet in which solar system did you have in mind as our very next stepping stone into the great cosmos?
Who are to be the chosen few - prematurely retired fantasizing Dell engineers?
How long will it take?
How are they to be fed en route?
When will "Uncommon Descent" issue a formal apology to Eric Pianka?
Now these are reasonable questions that should be answered. But will they be? I say they won't be which is precisely why I asked them. It is only when one is forced to realize that a question cannot be answered that reasonable minds come to to grips with reality. Those that fail to do so are cowardly mystics not scientists. So much for DaveScot. Like Richard Dawkins he lives in his own private fantasy world. Like Richard Dawkins he too has a product to sell. He too is hawking his wares, trying to sell his snake oil and nobody is buying it, at least not this investigator, John A. Davison, author of all those "goofy" papers on the side bar at "Uncommon Descent."
I love it so!
I love this typical silence from DaveScot when he is openly challenged. Bullies are like that. It reveals his insecurity about himself. Don't take my word for it.
"Silence is the best resolve for him who distrusts himself."
I love it so!
Who is next?
Yes Falan Ox, I deleted you. You are nothing but a troublemaker and you never conttributed amything of substance at any blog you ever visited.
Some clown named UnMark over at the Bunker claims that - "ID has no theory, no testable concepts..."
Apparently he is unaware of the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis which is receiving all sorts of support from the experimental laboratory.
The PEH is entirely deterministic which means that evolution has very definitely had a cause. It is just that the cause has not been exogenous which is the unjustifiable assumption underlying the entire Darwinian fairy tale. Such an external cause has never been identified because such a cause never existed. Such an external cause also plays no role whatsoever in ontogeny and, as is the case with phylogeny, never did either. One of these centuries this will be accepted as reality. There is absolutely nothing in theb Darwinian paradigm that ever had anything to do with organic evolution beyond the rather trivial production of varieties. Many life forms are incapable even of that. Natural selection is very real but serves only to preserve the status quo as was clearly recognized by Reginald Punnett and Leo Berg nearly a century ago. How much longer can this madness persist?
"Meine Zeit wird schon kommen!"
Gregor Mendel
"Everything is determined... by forces over which we have no control."
Albert Einstein
I love it so!
I see that old "hit-and-run" DaveScot has abandoned the discussion. Like all bullies, when confronted and challenged, he melts. He will be back though. I know from experience. He is a relaxation oscillator, a pipette washer or Yellowstone's Old Faithful if you prefer. His internal pressure will build up and he will fire off again with his trademark egomaniacal zeal. It is only a matter of time. He has absolutely no control over himself and even admitted it right here on this blog; just check back a few posts.
I love it so!
Well that didn't take long did it folks. What did I tell you. I will respond after a short pause while I absorb and digest his latest infantile responses, statements that would never be tolerated on Uncommon Descent.
I love it so!
This is vintage DaveScot, hostile, personally condescending, imsulting and perfectly unprofessional. Everyone who differs with him and his selected sources is a fool. I especially like -
"Global warming is bullshit."
That takes care of global warming folks and don't you ever forget it.
and how about this one directed at Eric Pianka, a real biologist with international credentials, recently honored by his peers in the Texas Academy of Sciences, an institution in which DaveScot is not a member and not likely ever to be. His response to my request that he and his leader Bill Dembski should issue a formal apology for their knee jerk, instantaneous condemnation of Pianka -
"Right after I piss on his grave."
These response could never be made from his home base at Uncommon Descent because Dembski would not tolerate it. And DaveScot accuses me of using foul language: what a hypocrit!
Now do me a big favor DaveScot. please don't delete these latest posts as you did before when you went ballistic, spewing your venom on me and my papers. Promise me you will let them stand as a lasting testimony to your intolerance, your bigotry, your selfish arbitrarily fascistic self-generated narrow little world. Go back to reading your science fiction and believing every bit of it.
I personally believe that life originated one or more times on this earth and no where else and life will disappear on this earth and no where else. It is too bad that you cannot allow me to hold those beliefs without denigration.
I wouldn't delete you for the world. Only you can do that and probably will when you have recovered from whatever it is that makes you behave periodically like a perfect imbecile. After all you already did it once. You are your own worst enemy.
Whatever you do, don't stop posting here. You are my best ally because you are so deranged as to attack me in my own bailiwick, something you deny me in yours. You are a two-faced coward and a gutless coward at that.
I hope that someone here who is allowed to post at Uncommon Descent would advise Dembski of the tactics his appointed blogczar has employed here at my forum, a forum, unlike his own, that bans no one and never will.
Thanks for posting.
I love it so!
Incidentally, deletion is not banishment. When I find it necessary to delete a comment I will invariably identify its source and the reason I deleted it.
I wouldn't delete DaveScot for all the tea in China. He deserves all the recognition he seeks and I am delighted to be able to give it to him.
I love it so!
I see that Dembski over at Uncommon Descent has finally found someone else who agrees with Mims' appraisal of Pianka's keynote address to the Texas Academy of Sciences.
Some of the questions he should have asked before he launched into his knee-jerk denigration of a real scientist, one with an international reputation, are the following.
Why was Pianka chosen to give the keynote address in the first place?
Why did he receive a standing ovation from his peers?
Why do his students adore this man?
Why later at the dinner was he further honored?
Are we to believe that the entire Texas Academy of Sciences has been subject to some kind of mass hypnosis? So it must seem to Dembski and DaveScot his faithful sycophantic point man.
What I find most revealing is Pianka, like myself, is a real published scientist being either ignored (Dembski's usual ploy) or in this case vilified by a couple of kibitzing uneducated dilettantes whose power base consists largely of a bunch of Bible-banging Christian Fundamentalists who don't even believe man in an animal.
I recommend Dembski close down his pathetic forum as it is becoming an increasing embarrassment to the real scientific community in which neither he nor DaveScot, his hand-picked blogczar, have ever been a part and never will be.
Eric Pianka will remembered as a first class naturalist when William Dembski, DaveScot, Wesley Elsberry, William Provine, Stephen J. Gould, Michael Ruse, Phillip Johnson, Ernst Mayr and Richard Dawkins and all the rest of the principal spokespersons in this insane debate will be long forgotten. They won't even rate a footnote. Mayr is already passe, a pompous, congenital, confessed Darwinian ideologue.
I love it so!
I pretended nothing. I know what DaveScot posted because I read it in depth and commented on it. Only DaveScot could have deleted it. If you are trying to accuse me of dishonesty find another forum buster. I don't need that kind of crap from anyone. Apologize or hit the road. The next time you claim I have "pretended" something you will be summarily deleted but only after I have exposed you. This time I will let your shabby innuendo stand as a tribute to your character, or more accurately, your lack of same.
I love it so!
Better yet noah, I ask DaveScot who deleted his defammatory comment. Stay tuned in to see what he says. That is if he even owns up. We will see if he is willing to add lying to his list of accomplishments. Oh I forgot, he has already lied. Damn!
I love it so!
A very interesting thing is developing here on my blog. Noah has assumed that I have "pretended" not to have deleted that most hideously revealing post by DaveScot in which he described my several published papers As "goofy" and further indicated that I know diddly squat about information storage. Noah seems to think I have lied about who deleted that post. I have asked for an apology from Noah and none is forthcoming.
There are only two poeple that know the truth about who deleted DaveScot's very revealing post, Dave Scot and myself. Indeed we are the only two people who could have deleted that post. I have asked DaveScot to come clean and admit that it was he who deleted his own post. I don't even require that he explain why he deleted it although that would certainly be of great interest. Words have meaning.
The situation is crystal clear. Will DaveScot admit he deleted his own post or not. The ball is in DaveScot's court.
As for noah, if he refuses to apologize for his unjustified innuendo, he may post elsewhere because if he posts here again he will be summarily deleted with full explanation.
I love it so!
If you can't even explain what you are upset about, don't post at all. Your unqualified statement on the face of it clearly challenges my integrity, something I take very seriously. Words have meaning. If I deleted you it was probably because you contributed nothing substantial. Get used to it because that is the way it is going to be. You have already made it very clear that you are not my ally. I don't even recall the details but I am certain they couldn't have been very important.
I love it so!
I see old "hit-and-run" DaveScot doesn't want to admit that he found it necessary to delete his own post because of its hideous content. He would rather leave the impresssion that I might have done it, thereby avoiding any reponsibility for his vile tactics. He even suggested that I might delete some of his posts in a sort of retaliation I assume.
Well DaveScot, that is not my style. I don't delete posts unless they are utterly without significance and I don't ban my adversaries no matter how degraded they have been here or elsewhere. You have been known to ban people solely on what they have said elsewhere and seem quite proud of it. I am willing to bet that you have shut down more people than have been banned, like myself, from ARN, EvC, Panda's Thumb, FringeSciences and Pharyngula combined. You even heckle people in the middle of their presentations. It is too bad you weren't there for Pianka's keynote address and standing ovation. You could have openly heckled him instead of doing so from behind the protective armor of Uncommon Descent. I guess you weren't invited and I can see why.
I thoroughly enjoy being insulted and debased by anyone who feels like it. You see my contributions to the evolutionary literature are pretty much finished and unlike your own are published and for all time. Unlike yourself I am supremely confident of the significance of my work and that of of many distinguished predecessors not one of whom was a bully like yourself, not one of whom was an atheist Darwinian mystic or a Bible-banging fundamentalist or a sedentary, pontificating blow hard like you have become. You are a caricature of yourself just like Richard Dawkins is and probably for the same reasons. As you yourself have admitted, you were, in full agreement with me, with Albert Einstein and with the PEH, "prescribed" to be what you are, "born that way." Enjoy your short hour upon the stage. You are a wonder to behold.
I love it so!
As usual you are dead wrong about just about everything, status quo for an egocentric, unfulfilled, insecure non achiever like yourself. There is only one reason I have not been recognized by the establishent. It is the same reason it has refused to recognize the following in roughly chronological order.
St George Jackson Mivart, Louis Agassiz, William Bateson, Reginald C. Punnett, Leo Berg, Richard B.Goldschmidt, Pierre Grasse, Robert Broom and Otto Schindewolf, some of the finest minds of the post Darwinian era not one of whom was a Darwinian of any description, not one of whom was a closet Bible worshipping Fundamentalist like your lord and master William Dembski and all of whom had exposed the Darwinian fairy tale for what it has always been, a complete fiction. That one reason is summarized in a single word - FEAR. A plague on both the firmly entrenched factions in a debate that should never have occurred.
Since when did you get the mistaken notion that I ever sought fame and notoriety? That is the forte of lightweight pseudoscientists like William Dembski, Richard Dawkins, Stephen J. Gould, Ernst Mayr, Michael Ruse, William Provine, Phillip Johnson and Jonathan Wells not one of whom ever did an experiment in his life or dirtied his dainty little hands in the field and neither did you. Speaking of seeking fame and notoriety, who are you to even mention such a thing. That is all you have ever done, dumping on every one who differs from your warped view of the world with your iron-fisted methods, alienating everyone within cybershot with your arrogant pontifications and uncivil commentary. You are as bad as Dawkins. You and only you have all the answers. You are the quintessential intellectual bully and when confronted all you can do is change the subject as you just did. I hope I covered all that you requested.
Don't sweat it little man. I won't delete your comments. Sling some more trash my way. I love exposing intellectual garbage like you. It is my favorite pastime. If you had an ounce of courage you would take me to task on your home grounds where all the fundies could really appreciate what a loser Dembski has appointed as his personal blog czar. I am sure many of them are already disillusioned with the great DaveScot.
As for why I have this blog, it is to establish beyond any doubt that I am dealing on all sides with intellectual garbage like P.Z. Meyers, Wesley Elsberry, William Dembski and David Springer, not a real scientist in the lot, just a bunch of misguided, uninformed, amateur, unfulfilled, egomaniacal blowhards whose only purpose is see their own name as often as possible in the ephemeral meaningless annals of cyberspace.
"Meine Zeit wird schon kommen!"
Thanks for posting.
I love it so!
Now David Springer, did you or did you not delete your own post after you realized what a nasty, uncivilized and thoroughly unjustified tirade it really was?
Don't change the subject again. Just answer the question. I am timing you this time. I'll give you a couple of hours.
I love it so!
David Springer
I'll give you until 8:00 P.M. EST and include in your answer a single childish comment I ever made in the only venue that means a damn thing- the published refereed scientific journal. I was publishing real science fifty years ago before you were even born you obnoxious little fart. If you had an ounce of courage and weren't the slave of William Dembski you would never have banned me from the only forum where you can post beside this one. You post my published papers on your sideboard in a desperate attempt to gain some respectability from a real scientist and then you turn around and demean th very source of that repectabilty by attacking him on his own blog. What a hypocrit you really are. You are no better than Falan Ox and will henceforth be known as Spravid Dinger no matter what you do now.
Thanks for not coming clean. I figured you wouldn't and predict that you never will. Cowardly bullies are like that.
I love it so!
I have no memory of having deleted a post from you. If I did I can only hope it deserved it. If you can produce something of significance I can assure you I will not delete it. If you are just going to continue to pout don't expect much from me. Got that? Write that down.
Thanks for posting.
As you know I am not allowed to post at Uncommon Descent. I have a favor to ask. I request that someone who is allowed to post there to indicate for their readers what their blogczar finds it necessary to do at my blog in order to gratify his ego. I would appreciate it if the same could be done at After The Bar Closes where I am also not allowed to post. I think the Darwimps there would be esecially delighted to see the way the great Spravid Dinger performs at the only other blog in cyberspace where he can.
I would certainly expect Falan Ox to leap to such an opportunity. That is if he isn't afraid he might offend Der Fuhrer Herr Doktor Professor Welsberry (pronounced Velsberry).
There are some remarkable parallels between Falan Ox and Spravid Dinger. Each has managed to get himself banned from all but two forums. Each has only his home base and this forum from which he has not been banned. Each is terrified that he might offend his fearless leader which is why he must limit his denigration of me to his posts here. Each is afraid to even mention my name in any context at his home base but denigrates me freely here. Doesn't that speak volumes about the character of each?
But the hypocricy at the Uncommon Descent forum is far worse than that at After The Bar Closes. You see at Uncommon Descent my published papers are on full display and Spravid Dinger even occasionally refers to them in support of his comments. Isn't that revealing? It is only here that the real Spravid Dinger is revealed, a pontificating, condescending denigrating, rabid egomaniac, venting his spleen in the only blog that will allow it. That is why I ask that his behavior be brought to the attention of every other forum within cybershot. I hope some of my readers will do just that. I want the world to know all about this man, his methods and his character.
I love it so!
For obvious reasons I have little more to say about Spravid Dinger, Dilliam Wembski's toy poodle. His cowardly silence speaks volumes. I can only hope for his sake that in future he has enough sense to leave me alone as Dilliam Wembski, Richael Muse, Esley Welsberry, M.P. Zeyers, Pott L. Scage and all the others that have banned me from their proceedings have done. You would think that bannishment would be enough wouldn't' you? Oh no, not for the Great Spravid Dinger. He and he alone has to pursue his critic right into his critic's blog, arrogantly refusing to admit his hateful tactics, proudly announcing his superiority while spewing the most insulting innuendo imaginable against a published scientist. I wonder if he would have the courage to do the same with Eric Pianka if Pianka had a blog. Maybe Pianka does have. I haven't checked.
What is really revealing is that while both he and Wembski are perfectly willing to attack Pianka from behind the protection of their home base, they are both afraid to even mention my name just as Welsberry is and for exactly the same reason. They are afraid to because, if they do, they will also have to accept the collective judgments of my sources, some of the greatest minds of the last 150 years. The only forum that is currently giving serious and civil consideration to my papers is ISCID's Brainstorms forum. Most of the others, including Uncommon Descent, have decided I simply do not exist just as my sources have never existed either. I should qualify that and add that the more traditional Creationist forums have mostly allowed me to present my views without bannishment or overt ridicule but it usually all dies on the vine. That is to their credit. It is an old story as I have documented elsewhere.
The thing that really interests me is how Wembski would react to the the extracurricular tactics of his hand-picked blogczar if he knew about it. Even the folks over at the Bunker know better than to attack me in my own bailiwick. That is why I want to give this whole episode as much publicity as possible. I would greatly appreciate any help that might be forthcoming. It is something wothwhile doing.
Now don't misinterpret me Spravid Dinger. You are always welcome here as is every other person who feels so insecure as to require the sort of methods you find so personally necessary. I want you returning here in all your glory. You are my best ally in this idiotic debate, the debate that should never have begun. Rest easy. I wouldn't delete a word from you or anyone else especially if it is really derogatory. That sort of garbage is fuel for this blog just as it was for the earlier one.
I love it so!
"A man in armor is his armor's slave."
Robert Browning
I love it when, after being unable to bully their adversaries with empty rhetoric and mindless insult, they finally silently slink off, licking their self-inflicted wounds to plan a new strategy by which to embarrass anyone who would dare to differ with them. These are the jackals of cyberspace. It is crawling with them. Not a real scientist in the lot. And so to bed.
I love it so!
Spravid Dinger
You sick pig! So you removed my papers did you. When did I ever ask you to do that? That is the bottom of the barrel. You talk about vindictive behavior. I hope you are prepared to defend that action because I intend to give you that opportunity.
I find it very interesting that you would introduce my relationship with my wives, my children, my students, my Dean, my Chairpersons when you know absolutely nothing about any of it. You even assume my dog hates me. You are a perfect hypocrit because you have in the past taken exactly the opposite position with respect to the way I was treated by the administration at the University. You even suggested that I had been "Davisoned" by the establishment and took pride in the fact that you had coined the term. This is not really surprising because just as you now are willing to "piss on Pianka's grave," you at one time were going to do the same on mine and that was long before you introduced my papers at Uncommon Descent. You are clearly unstable and possibly certifiable.
I expect my papers to be reinstated on the sidebar inmmediately. If they are not it will become the centerpiece of the most remarkable expose ever to be presented in cyberspace and you will be the star player. Trust me.
You are destroying your credibility with a precedent unequaled in my memory.
Quite frankly I seriously question your mental stability when you must go to these lengths. I doubt if I am alone. That Wembski would have you representing his interests in this idiotic ideological war really baffles me.
Get some help. God knows you need some.
I love it so!
Thanks for posting.
I may have more later.
To save me a litte time I would appreciate the email addresses for Bill Dembski and Wesley Elsberry. Thanks.
Well come on Spravid Dinger. When are you going to restore my papers to the side board? You have no real choice you know. The longer you wait the tougher it will be on you. Trust me.
I love it so!
I can see it all now. Stravid Dinger and Dilliam Wembski are having a conference trying to figure out what to do next.
Frankly I hope they don't do a damn thing as everything that transpires at "Uncommon Descent" is the direct responsiblity of Dilliam Wembski, just as everything that happens at "After The Bar Closes" is the sole responsibility of Der Fuhrer Herr Doktor Professor Esley Welsberry (pronounced Velsberry).
Thank God I don't have any loyal followers to screw up my position.
I love it so!
I emailed the following message to "Intelligent design the future,"
I presume by now that you are aware that David Springer has deleted my papers from the side bar at Uncommon Descent and purged them from the Archives. This was done without either warning or my approval. I regard that action as both vindictive and unprofessional. I ask that those papers be reinstated.
John A. Davison, Emeritus Professor of Biology, University of Vermont etc, etc.
I see that DaveScot has just deleted all his most recent hateful, unprofessional comments, probably on the advice of Dembski. I have a complete print out of the entire recent exchange as I anticipated he would do just as he did before. He will probably remain silent now. Cowardly bullies are like that. I hope that Dembski has the good sense to relieve this man as his self-described blogczar. I further expect my papers to be reinstated on the side bar, hopefully along with a public apology. We will see.
Thanks. Now we will find out about Dembski.
For those who were denied his posts before he deleted them, here are the verbatim three posts which immediately preceded my post which began:
Spravid Dinger
You sick pig. So you removed my papers did you....
Okay John, you win.
I removed your precious papers from uncommon descent.
Too bad they aren't real so I could burn them in effigy.
10 seconds to erase what took me hours to put into html format for an ungrateful hideous old man.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Now I guess you'll claim we're afraid to have your papers here. You're a real piece of work.
So long, John.
What I can't understand is that while only three posts are indicated as having been deleted by DaveScot, a fourth one was also deleted, the one just previous to these three. That one goes this way:
Dear John,
Don't try to bullshit me. You can't control your foul abusive mouth and its been a problem all your life. You were born that way. You know it, I know it, your ex-wives know it, your children know it, your dean knew it, your students knew it, Wesley Elsberry and his crew knew it, the Discovery Institute knew it, Richard Dawkins knew it, Ernst Mayr knew it, Richard Dawkins knew it, Stephen Gould knew, and the reaction has eventually been identical in all of the - get as far away from you as possible and pretend you don't exist. I'd be willing to bet your dog knows it too but that poor bastard is trapped.
Say, that reminds me of something I wanted to ask you. If everything is predetermined what difference does it make what anyone thinks or does about global warming?
Wow, I guess everybody knows all about me except me, even my Dachshund Otto, named for the greatest paleontologist of all time, Otto Schindwolf. Both Ottos and I are great friends.
I have to agree that I do not exist but it is not for any of the reasons that the omniscient Spravid Dinger has presented. It is for one reason only. It is because if I am allowed to exist then so must all my sources also have existed and the establishments on both sides of this idiotic cutural war have no intention of letting that happen whatever the cost. It is as simple as that.
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I hope others will join with me in expressing their dismay at the unprofessional behavior and tactics of the blogczar from Uncommon Descent. If they don't it will come as no great surprise but if they do it will be greatly appreciated.
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Sorry folks. My computer died on April 15. I will get back when I can.
I am back on line.
In case anyone wonders, all those recent deletions were by DaveScot from Uncommon Descent. He hurls insults with abandon and then realizes what a fool he has been and deletes them. That is why I have copied them and reprinted them for the world to read and enjoy. The man is clearly unstable.
I see my several papers, published over the course of twenty-two years, have still not reappeared on the side board at Uncommon Descent. While DaveScot removed them, after presenting them and referring to them, he later decided they were "goofy." I want to remind Dembski that everything that is done at Uncommon Descent is his responsibility and his alone. Got that Dembski? Write that down. The smartest thing you could do would be to rid yourself of your blogczar. The man can't manage anything, especially himself.
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I see that DaveScot, acting of course for William Dembski, has still not replaced my papers on the side board. This is just for the record.
I love it so!
By the way folks, assuming anyone is listening of course, feel free to comment on how you feel about having 22 years of publication removed from a forum which had previously endorsed them by putting them on the sideboard and referring to them. I can assure you I will not delete you provided only that you say something rational. Is this a justified action or is it not? Are my papers "goofy" or are they not? I would like to know and I am sure DaveScot and William Dembski should know as well how the general audience feels about such policies.
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The "civil discussion" you have witnessed first hand right here on my blog, the only other venue in cyberspace where DaveScot can vent his hideous spleen. Just as Charles Darwin has Richard Dawkins, so William Dembski has his DaveScot, each faithfully defending his master's ideology from any external criticism whatever it takes.
I love it so!
It seems that DaveScot, aka David Springer, aka Spravid Dinger is no longer willing to vent his spleen here on the only blog in cyberspace where is is freely given that opportunity. I guess he doesn't like the notion that I might record and reprint his fulminations before he could delete them himself. Cowardly bullies are like that don't you know.
"Silence is the best resolve for him who distrusts himself."
I love it so!
Well God bless you Falan Ox. you are well on your way to becoming Alan Fox again. That is the one that David Springer, now Spravid Dinger, deleted before I could copy it. I did of course respond to it and this is the proof that my response was entirely appropriate. Isn't it vintage Dinger though - hostile, insulting, denigrating, condescending, egocentric and arrogant? Thank you.
Of course I doubt if he will comment on his heinous behavior here at the only other blog in cyberspave that will allow him. I am fairly certain that Wembski has muzzled his sycophantic toadie from ever mentioning my name again just as your fearless leader has instructed you not to mention it either. What better proof could a man want that he has "reached out and touched" his adversaries. I join now with Broom, Berg, Grasse, Bateson, Schindewolf and all the other real scientists whose names are now anathema to both factions in this idiotic debate, the debate that should never have occurred.
In any event, thank you for the help. May I call you Alan Fox now?
Now do me favor if you dare and call the attention of the troops over at the Bunker to what has been transpiring here. I want them to know that we share a common enemy in Spravid Dinger and for that matter in Dilliam Wembski who is directly responssible for everything that transpires at Uncommon Descent just as Esley Welsberry is at Panda's thumb.
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Well come on Dinger. Let's hear from the real David Springer, the arrogant, insulting, condescending, two-faced hypocrit that we all have grown to love so well. Surely you are not going to let this litte exposure of your vicious, unbridled nature give you any pause are you? Or has Wembski insructed you to keep your mouth shut? We'll see won't we. In the meantime put my papers back on the side board where they belong. If you do I might even leave you alone. Until you do I will not. Got that? Write that down.
I love it so!
It was DaveScot that allied with me only later to turn on me in his own inimitable fashion. The man is the gift that keeps on giving with his bluster, ego and viciously personal methods. He and Dembski make a perfect pair, comparable with the "Darwin-Dawkins Dynamic Duo" on the other side of the ideological fence. Both factions are full of it right up to their nostrils. I predict Uncommon Descent will soon fold unless it purges itself of its self proclaimed blogczar. It probably will anyway. So will Panda's Thumb, Pharyngula, EvC and the other rabid bastions of ideological bigotry with which the internet is so blessed.
Thanks for posting.
I love it so!
I see that Spravid Dinger is now holding forth over at:
So am I just for fun. Join in. The more the merrier.
I love it so!
stephen elliot
I loke your candor. I am a definite ID supporter but without all the baggage that attends the Discovery Institute and the folks who support Dembski. To deny an intelligence far beyond our comprehension is unforgivable and those that claim such an intelligence never existed are in my opinion fools. I am certain Einstein felt the same way and so did Godfrey Hardy. The alternative to design and purpose is blind chance and always has been. Is that your position? If you don't feel like cluttering up my blog with your response, feel free to email me.
I certainly don't regard you as an enemy. You have done nothing to earn that distinction. Many others have.
Thanks for posting.
Stephen Elliot
I do not concern myself with such matters as they are meaningless conjectures. My papers define my contributions. I have not found it necessary to mention God and neither have my sources. The PEH recognizes everything that we now know and can incorporate all present information without any reference to either chance or the supernatural. That is all that science can ever do. I am content.
I see absolutely no evidence for a God at present and frankly I don't see how anyone else can either. All that I must assume is that one or more incredibly intelligent forces must have existed in the past.
Thanks a lot for inviting me over to that hideous blog. I stayed just long enough to prove that DaveScot is a bully. What a collection of losers.
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Thanks again Alan Fox for the help. You might point out to your friends at the Bunker that DaveScot still has not replaced my papers which he purged from the side board at Uncommon Descent. Vindictive bullies are like that and should be widely recognized as such don't you think?
Incidentally, I would like to know where else Spravid Dinger is holding forth as I intend to hound and expose him until he restores my papers at Uncommon Descent or of course until Uncommon Descent folds, whichever comes first.
In the meantime he is always welcome here.
"I will fight it out on this line if it takes all summer."
General U.S. Grant
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I have a request to make. If anyone out there in cyberspace feels it was wrong for Spravid Dinger to have removed my several papers, 22 years worth, from the side board at Uncommon Descent, I now ask them to suggest at Uncommon Descent that they be restored. The Wembski-Dinger biumvirate has decided that they can now safely pretend I do not exist. Others have made that same mistake and have learned that it is better to leave me alone. Wembski and Dinger have not yet learned that lesson so I am asking for a little help to remind them that I do not take such actions lightly. I will look for some evidence unless of course I am denied viewing as I have been at ARN for example.
The problem is that if someone does as I have asked, there is a very good chance it will never appear there. But that in itself is something worth knowing isn't it? Apparently the Big Bad Blogczar screens just about everything before allowing it to appear. What a charming way to run a forum. His sole function is to protect Wembski from any criticism from any quarter whatever the cost.
No matter what the outcome this could prove to be a very rewarding experiment. I hope someone will proceed with it.
"A man in armor is his armor's slave."
Robert Browning
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I see that Esley Welsberry, Der Fuhrer over at his personal Tomb and Bunker is now instructing his followers (he calls them his regulars) to delete their obcene comments at other forums. Isn't that a hoot? You talk about ruling with an iron fist; it is just like Spravid Dinger at Uncommon Descent don't you know. He bans people just for what they may have posted somewhere else. It sure must keep him frightfully busy, surfing all those blogs. I guess he doesn't have much else to do these days. Well he is always welcome here.
It is hard to believe isn't it?
Meanwhile, I am still waiting for my papers to be reinstated at the side board at UD. Dinger still refuses to own up to the fact that purging them was a purely vindictive and unjustifiable act on his part. It is sort of like book burning if you ask me. Bullies are like that. So are all those that find it necessary to ban their adversaries, insecure cowards all.
Come one come all. The more the merrier I say. Sockittome!
The masochist said "Hit me." The sadist replied "I won't."
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A chap by the name of Larry Farfarman has a new blog - I'm From Missouri:
and it is a hoot. Everybody and his brother is posting there, the usual animals from Panda's Thumb, DaveScot aka David Springer to whom I now and forever will refer to as Spravid Dinger and Farfarman himself. It is an interesting experiment because virtually nothing ever gets deleted so it tends to be a real flame wsr. They really tear into me and of course I love all the attention I can muster because there is no such thing as bad publicity and there never was. I thought everybody knew that by now. Dinger is especially virulent, pontificating and condescending, offending everyone with his trademark rabid commentary. He says things he wouldn't dare say at Uncommon Descent because his lord and master, Dilliam Wembski, wouldn't stand for it. Dinger is really precious. Please tune in and join in as well as it is a real free for all. It sure beats Uncommon Descent and Panda's Thumb for sheer amusement. It also permits everyone to see the real character or rather lack of same as the basic personalities of the posters is freely presented free of all restraints. It is a gift. Don't miss it!
Naturally, I love it so!
This is just to keep my fans up to date. By the way do I even have any?
I see Der Fuhrer Herr Doktor Esley Welsberry (pronounced Velsberry) is once again instructing his loyal brownshirted, brown underweared Fascist followers exactly what they are expected to do when posting on other blogs: such arrogance, such insecurity, such mindlessness. What does this unpublished Darwinian mystic hope to accomplish by this flagrant demonstration that he is nothing but an intellectual tyrant, despotically running a closed union shop? God but it is gratifying to see the lengths to which this idiotic polarization has descended. He is as bad as Spravid Dinger his Czarist counterpart at Uncommon Descent, both nothing but bullies, dominating their groupthinking underling minions with abandon. Can you imagine people voluntarily joining in discussions in forums run like that, knowing that they must conform or be eliminated? I can't. Also I happen to know from personal experience what it means to dissent from the status quo at places like Uncommon Descent and Panda's Thumb. They both use the same tactic - banishment although I must admit I was given more time to dissent at Panda's Thumb than at Uncommon Descent, the one forum where I should be welcome with open arms. I presented concrete evidence for Intelligent Design when Dembski was still in grade school. He still regards it as an "inference" if you can imagine such a thing. He banned me long ago and then found it necessary to get one of his loyal followers to do it again. The moral of the story? Never question the man at the top - never.
Meanwhile, since Spravid Dinger, Blog Czar first class, has steadfastly refused to restore my publications at Uncommon Descent, I finally sent an email to Dembski asking him to do something about it. I expect no reply and no action. I would like to think I might be wrong this time. In any event we will see won't we?
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I have been very busy over at
holding forth and being insulted by the usual anonymous animals from Panda's Pathetic Pollex. Anyhow I have been getting in some pretty good licks so the fact that not much is going on here is of little consequence. Follow the action I always say.
Larry's forum is interesting. When there is no moderation, the mindless jackals of cyberspace are attracted like flies to meat to vent their hideous spleens in gay abandon. Anything goes. It is a sort of group therapy. My earlier blog was a little like that but nothing as revealing as Larry's.
Also you notice how litte happens here now that I have the power of deletion which I sure wouldn't even use except under special circumstances. There is great virtue in letting people make perfect damn fools of themselves.
I suspect the novelty will eventually wear off as the animals manage to gratify their natural tendencies to bully anyone who thinks different from the way they do.
If anybody is intereted in a serious discussion of the great mystery of organic evolution, they are always welcome here.
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Is there no monitoring of obscenity on the internet? Is there any place one can post a complaint to those who monitor internet activity? I think what is going on over at Larry's new blog should not be allowed, especially when the most virulent stuff comes from anonymous bloggers, some of whom seem to be regulars from Panda's Thumb where I am sure even Der Fuhrer Herr Doktor Professor Esley Welsberry would never allow the same behavior at PT. Apparently some of his own regulars pay no attention to their own chief.
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Incidentally, I am finally getting some REAL support from a REAL scientist, Peter Borger, who is now posting with me over at brainstorms forum. I recommend you all pay attention. It is about time!
"The applause of a single human being is of great consequence."
Samuel Johnson
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I do not whine you jerk. I just have absolutely no respect for cowardly swine like yourself that don't even have the courage to display their real name. If it was up to me there would be no anonymity on the internet. It is nothing but an opportunity for every unfulfilled blowhard like yourself to vent his bilious, uneducated spleen. I think you are Spravid Dinger. You make me sick. How does that grab you? You are typical internet trash.
Now that others have had the opportunity to read what Spravid Dinger has had to offer under the cowardly alias of anonymicity, bye bye Dinger. Slink back to Wembski's Fundy Palace where you came from, the only place you are welcome.
Incdentally, anonymocity , aka Spravid Dinger, I understand exactly why you would suggest I not post at Larry's Forum. It is because I have the opportunity to expose you there in a way I can't anywhere else in cyberspace, both you and your cowardly boss Dilliam Wembski. What a pair of cowardly losers.
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Hey folks, check out Uncommon Descent. Stravid Dinger hasn't hosted a thread in a very long time. Do you suppose Dilliam Wembski finally rrealized what a liabilty this creep is to his forum? It sure looks that way doesn't it. Let us pray that it is true. It would be the smartest thing that Wembski ever did.
Of course Dinger is always welcome here and also over at Larry's forum too where he is holding forth with his usual arrogance and sociopathic compulsiveness, using aliases of course. Cowards are like that don't you know.
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Correction. He did one out of the last 20. That is a big difference from his past performance. He is probably just too busy asserting his muscle over at Larry's forum. Bullies are like that. They just have to be heard.
I am surprised Wembski didn't get rid of him long ago. It is the smartest thing he could do.
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DaveScot's thread frequency over at Uncommon Descent has now further slipped to only one out of the last 24. It looks like Dembski is finally realizing this guy is doing his forum no good. I sure hope that Dembski is observing DaveScot's performance over at Larry's blog. It is precious. God only knows what he is doing elsewhere. I shudder to think.
I love it so!
Well folks,
Spravid Dinger has finally confessed why he purged all my papers from the sideboard at Uncommon Descent. He did it over at Larry's blog where I an sure you will find it if he hasn't deleted it that is. He does a lot of that you know as soon as he realizes what an ass he has made of himself. The man is completely out of control much to my delight.
He did it because he doesn't like me and because he doesn't want anything to do with me. Well he sure liked me plenty when he put them there didn't he?
Of course that is pure bull. He did it because Wembski told him to do it and for no other reason. For that same reason he will never reinstate my papers. You see no one questions the Great God Wembski. I can't tell you how pleased I am with this confession as it shows just how insecure the various evolutionary camps really are. That is why my name is no longer mentioned anywhere in cyberspace. They are all scared to death not so much of me as they are of all my sources on which I have so heavily depended. If they recognize me they have to recognize some of the greatest minds of two centuries and they haven't got the stomach for it. It is as simple as that.
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It looks like Spravid Dinger (Sus springeriana) is falling out of favor over at Uncommon Descent. He hasn't introduced a new thread in 13 now and only introduced one thread in the last 31. Maybe Wembski is finally realizing what a liability this clown really is. What will poor Dinger do if Wembski dumps him? Who would have him the iron-fisted blogczar?
Well folks, he is always welcome here. Come one come all. Spew your venom amd your lies. I relish it. If it is really bad I won't even delete it. I'll just copy it so when you delete it it will still be available.
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I see the Neanderthals over at the Bunker are still questioning Intelligent Design. To question that which is obvious to any rational observer has become the sole property of the denizens of Panda's Pathetic Pollex, the last outpost of Darwinian mysticism, Der Fuhrer Herr Doktor Professor Esley Welsberry's (pronounced velsberry)terminal tomb and bunker, the Alamo of Darwinism and Der Fuhrer's last stand.
To question design and purpose in the universe can only occur in the mind of a convinced homozygous atheist, a condition which has now been clearly linked to political liberalism, a congenital malaise which afflicts at leasyt 95% of the inhabitants of academe.
"Everything is determined... by forces over which we have no control."
Albert Einstein, like myself a convinced determinist which means, for those of you who don't understand what he meant, that there was never a role for chance in any aspect of the universe. Got that? Write that down.
Leo Berg, referring to ontogeny and phylogeny, said the same thing only using different words:
"Neither in the one nor in the other is there room for chance."
Nomgenesis, page 134
You know what that measn to me? I will tell you. It means that the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis is right on. That's what it means.
Now who is next?
I love it so!
Hey Alan Fox, do me a favor and relay my last post to the Neanderthals for me. If you do I promise you will remain Alan Fox and not revert to Falan Ox.
Pretty please?
Sorry folks but ID is as right as rain. All my papers and all the works of my sources just ooze Intelligent Design. There was never a role for chance in any aspect of either the inanimate or animate world. That is what makes the hideous behavior of the Wembski-Dinger dynamic duo all the more despicable.
Not one of the ID people has ever mentioned my name in their numerous publications and I know why. They are all uneducated egomaniacs trying desperately to establish themselves as the real discoverers of the mechanism of organic evolution. That is why they band together just as you Darwinians do over at Panda's Thumb. A pox on both your houses.
Now if you promise to behave I won't have to delete you. Got that? Write that down.
I am glad that you realize that Elsberry will delete you just for mentioning my name. How does that make you feel about Der Fuhrer? Do you admire those kinds of tactics? They are identical with the methods practiced at Uncommon Descent and for exactly the same reasons, summarized in a single word - fear.
You both are welxome here as long as you remain rational and civil.
Thanks for posting.
The real discoverers of the mechanism of organic evolution were William Bateson and later Leo Berg as the following demonstrates.
..the entire process of evolution may be regarded as "an unpacking of an original complex which contained within itself the whole range of diversity which living things present"
Willian Bateson, quoted in Nomogenesis, page 359.
"Evolution is in a great measure an unfolding of pre-existing rudiments."
Leo Berg, Nomogenesis, page 406.
They both clearly anticipated the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis as can plainly be seen.
So did Einstein somewhat later:
"Everything is determined... by forces over which we have no control."
I love it so!
I see Wembski finally let Spravid Dinger host another thread at Uncommon Decsent. Some folks just never learn.
"Dr. Dembski. Tear down that blog!"
John A. Davison, after Ronald Reagan.
I love it so!
Sorry anonymocity (Spravid Dinger I presume) I warned you but you coudn't stay civil so I deleted both of your two most recent comments.
The real reason my papers are not cited is the same reason my sources are not cited and that applies to the ideologues who are in charge of both sides of this idiotic debate. There is not a dimes worth of difference between Dembski and Dawkins. They are both egomaniacs out to convince the world that they and they alone have all the real answers.
They are both intellectual cowards who, having comitted themselves to their own personal self-generated convictions, will not budge a micron. They are also both publicity hounds and neither has ever contributed anything to our understanding of the great mystery of organic evolution. They are both cult leaders and con artists. Neither one is a scientist by any stretch of the imagination and neither are any of their loyal followers. Got that? Write that down.
There is more real science in any chapter of any book or in any paper by any one of my sources than there is in all the several books by Dembski, Dawkins, Ruse, Johnson, Mayr, Gould and Wells combined because not one of them is a scientist and not one of them ever was. They are all just "natural born," "prescribed" losers and so are you.
What have you to say to that?
Thanks for posting Dinger and once again exposing yourself as the cheap lying piece of genetic garbage that you are and always have been.
I love it so!
Thanks Dinger.
I wouldn't dream of deleting your insane ravings. They characterize you to a tee. It is especially revealing coming from probably the biggest deleter and banner in the history of the internet. Your comment is pregnant with significance and I don't delete stuff like that. I copy it! I preserve it for posterity. Got that? Write that down, you feckless fool.
So remember folks if his post disappears it was Spravid Dinger, not I, who erased it.
Thanks for posting.
I love it so!
You have been copied both places asshole. Don't stop.
Who is next?
I love it so!
Well come on Dinger you arrogant mindless schmuck. Lay some more lies at my door step you cowardly pig. I wouldn't delete you for the world.
I love it so!
Since David Springer, alias DaveScot aka God only knows how many other cowardly names, chooses not to defame me here, I invite you all to observe the lengths to which this swine (Sus springeriana) has gone to defame me over at Larry's new blog
He is a wonder to behold and I hope everyone within cybershot will take this opportunity to observe him in action. You especially, Alan Fox, so you can report on his rabid behavior back at the Bunker. That is if you are not afraid to. How does it feel to have to live in mortal fear of being banned by Der Fuhrer? What a way to have to live! You can always post here Alan if you can remain civil.
I love it so!
Incidentally, in case anyone is interested, I am having a very interesting dialogue over at ISCID's 'brainstorms" forum. They have an open viewing, invited posting policy. I would love to see Spravid Dinger mouth off over there. How about it Spravid? Do you feel up to it? If not, why not?
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Well I see DaveScot has surfaced at "brainstorms" but what a civilized DaveScot he suddenly has become. No more name calling there by golly. Mo more hypocrisy and mendacity. Nosiree. He saves that for Larry's blog where he can get away with it. What a phony.
I note he still refuses to use his own name, so it is really hard to be certain who he really is don't you know. Anonymous cowards are like that.
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I hope everyone (assuming I have any listeners at all) has been following DaveScot's (Spravid Dinger's) performance over at "brainstorms."
Listen to this. He has demanded that I account for my activities during the 16 years between the publication of my first paper and the year 2000. Those are the tactics of the Spanish Inquisition!
Well I responded even though he already knew all about it because that question has been asked me many times and I have always been right up front with my answers.
Next he accused me of misrepresenting myself as an Emeritus Professor of Biology at the University of Vermont.
Apparently, according to Dinger, if one retires at the rank of Associate Professor, which I most proudly did, one has misrepresented himself when he desribes himself as Professor Emeritus which I most certainly have. I sign my email that way and that is just about the only time I ever use the term Emeritus Professor. The term Professor is not restricted to rank rank any more than is the term Doctor. I thought everyone knew that.
Then he explined why he had deleted all my papers from the side board because I had been critical of "Professor" Dembski, his lord and master. Well folks he finally told the truth didn't he?
Just what the hell do my 22 years of publication have to do with my opinion of Dilliam Wembski? These are the same papers Dinger had proudly put there. What a hypocrit!
What a slave to Reverand Wembski!
This cowardly creep will go to any length to discredit me. I'm surprised he hasn't challenged my Ph.D. which was awarded 52 years ago. Maybe that is next. Nothing would surprise me coming from Sus springeriana, the most degenerate pig in the history of the internet.
I love it so!
Sus springeriana is now demanding I be censured at "brainstorms."
Please observe, draw your own concusions and report back here if you are so inclined. Frankly, I think the man is certifiable.
I love it so!
You banned yourself and you know it. Feel free to make your comments right here. I am sure others will be happy to hear what you have to say. I'm all ears.
David Springer, aka Sus springeriana
If I knew that don't you think I would have utilized that information and done the experiments myself?
You can be certain that sooner or later the experiments I have outlined and explained will be performed either with amphibians or with any other group of animals or plants in which the sequence of meiosis is subject to control.
"You can be certain that if you tell the truth, sooner or later you will be found out."
Oscar Wilde
"Meine Zeit wird schon kommen!"
Gregor Mendel
Now stop your Lord High Inquisitor approach to me and my science. Just who the hell do you think you are? I regard you with nothing but a well earned contempt.
Why don't you interrogate from Uncommon Descent.? I'll tell you why. It is because Dilliam Wembski has decreed that my name never be mentioned again there just as Esley Welsberry has done at Panda's Thumb. The egomaniacal morons that dominate most internet forums are the biggest bunch of homozygous insecure cowards that ever trod this planet. Go throw your weight around at Uncommon Descent. You are nothing but Wembski's goon. Don't waste your valuable time with me you pig. Also keep makimg a perfect fool of yourself at "brainstorms."
I love it so!
Chimreic frogs. You obviously have no idea wha that means you fool. Find some frogs for me bone head and send them to me with proof of their chromosomal karyotype. Also keep callimg me a liar. I love your slander. I thrive on it. Got that asshole? Write that down.
You keep up your mindless performance at "brainstorms" and I swear Wembski will have to fire you in embarrassment. You are beautiful. Don't stop.
I love it so!
Incidentally, I gave specific instructions on how to produce a new species experimentally on my earlier blog, not only for frogs but for mammals as well. Look for it asshole as it is most certainly right there just waiting for you to discover it. That is what science is all about you know - discovery. But what would you know you cheap whore. Retreat to Uncommon Descent where you belong and stay there protectimg the Great God Wembski whatever the cost. You are making me physically ill and I doubt if I am alone. What an asshole you are!
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Incidentally Sus springeriana, if you had any sense at all you would have found out that Semi-meiotically produced gynogenetic frogs had been produced by George Nace as early as 1969 and that I presented the reference to that work in my Manifesto as well as in the 1984 paper. You are so obsessed with destroying my reputation that you haven't even read the papers that you so proudly introduced into the side bar at Uncommon Descent. You are obviously pathological and if you raise this question again at "brainstorms" I will expose you as the charlatan you most certainly are. Trust me asshole or don't. Find out the hard way if you must. I strongly recommend you abandon "brainstorms" before it abandons you. You are making that inevitable with your mindless vicious attacks on my honesty and integrity. You are garbage and I will dispose of you as such if I am able. You are making it easy for me.
I love it so!
I see you are Falan Ox again you fool. The terms professor and doctor have nothing to do with ones academic rank. They are both proper addresses for one who has earned the Doctor of Philosophy Degree. I thought everyone knew that, but not Sus springeriana or Falan Ox. You can both kiss my ass. I have a Ph.D. from one of the finest universities in America, The University of Minnesota. I was awarded that degree 52 years ago probably before either one of you unprincipled assholes was even born. Where did Falan Ox get his Bull Shit degree in Biochemistry from and what are his credentials to ever question mine? Crawl back to Elsberry's Alamo where you are afraid to even mention my name you cowardly schmuck. What are Springer's credentials to even speak to me let alone about me? Sus springeriana, the biggest two-faced lying hog in the history of the internet, can do the same and for the same reasons by slinking back to Uncommon Descent where Dilliam Wembski has also decreed that my name must never be mentioned again. You are both homozygous congenital cowardly garbage, both fawning sycophants afraid you might somehow displease your mindless tyrannical masters, neither one of whom is a scientist by the wildest stretch of the imagination. One is a second rate fisheries biologist and the other one is a closet Bible-banging Baptist bigot, pandering to a bunch of Fundie, psalm-chanting, seat hurdling Christers.
Thanks for posting Falan and, as usual, exposing yourself as the unfulfilled "prescribed" disaster that you have always been and always will be. Now slink back to the Bunker where you will keep your stinking trap shut about me as your Fuhrer demands. Sus can do the same and for exactly the same reasons. You are both toadie, muck-sucking trash. What a pair of losers!
I love it so!
I just noted a couple of things that I would like to point out.
There are a remarkable series of parallels between Spravid Dinger and Falan Ox. Each casts aspersions with gay abandon on me and my science. Each keeps my name unmentioned at their home bases, Uncommon Descent and Panda's Thumb respectively and for exactly the same reasons. They have both been instructed by their lords and masters not to ever mention my name again and both have complied like good little gofers. Falan Ox has even admitted that if he should mention my name, he would probably be banned. Apparently Spravid Dinger has found himself in the same fix and so accordingly keeps a careful silence at Uncommon Descent.
Of course that doesn't keep either one of these character assassins from sallying forth to spew their venom on the only published evolutionist who participates in internet discussions of the great mystery of organic evolution. I know for certain because I invited everyone to participate by presenting their versions of the mechanism of evolutionary change and nobody surfaced. Not a single evolutionist showed up. I concluded that either they were all ashamed to present their convictions or, more likely, they had no convictions at all.
Instead I have been vilified, insulted, degraded by a bunch of unpublished, unprincipled uneducated lightweights representing either the atheist Darwinian cult or the Bible-waving creationists on the other side of the debate. These obedient gofers all hate my guts because I have rejected both cults while their cowardly ideologically impaired leaders pretend that I, like my sources, simply do not exist It is as simple as that.
I love it so!
mjb whoever the hell that is.
I am not interested in how things are done in every other blog in the world. I do things my way here. Got that? Write that down.
I love it so!
What better reason to do it MY WAY.
Kiss off .
I love it so!
What a bunch of anonymous cowards
have suddenly infected my blog.
Now that you have relieved yourselves, please return to the pissholes from which you have sallied forth. Give my regards to your leaders.
Don't worry boys and girls. I don't delete comments here, especially the sort that you morons just presented. I may later on just to save space.
I love it so!
Would someone please ask DaveScot over at Uncommon Descent what happend to all my papers that he had placed on the side board? Of course I doubt your query would ever appear but it would be nice to be able to prove that wouldn't it?
Don't be surprised if Stravid Dinger decides to delete the whole thread about John A. Davison and what happened to him. I'm surprised Wembski hasn't already ordered it. If it should stand it should also become one of the most popular threads of all time as it raises a lot of questions that have never been answered.
In any event it most certainly is not "off topic" as Dinger has claimed. When a published scientist's several papers disappear without explanation that is sure not "off topic."
Incidentally, I had a blog long before Wembski saw to it I was banned from his precious Fundy Palace.
I love it so!
Please refrain from dumping on one another here. Dump on me. That is what I am here for. Or, better yet, do it at Panda's Thumb or Uncommon Descent. Fat chance. Both Wembski and Welsberry have made that a nono and, like obedient little boys and girls, you have all complied haven't you?
I love it so!
This is for all those who disapprove of the way I run my blog. There are a couple of reasons that my system is vastly superior to the usual method of introducing threads for discussion.
Sequential threads disappear into the sunset as they are replaced by new entries. My system is like history, continuous, complete and, since I hesitate to delete threads, irrevocable and permanent. Of course I can't prevent others from deleting their own comments. Spravid Dinger does that all the time. That is why I frequently copy his venom so I can remind everyone of what he said. The man has no self-control whatsoever, much to my delight. He is the biggest banner and deleter in history. He even deletes himself!
Another, and much more important reason for my system, is that I have, to borrow a phrase from Dichard Rawkins, a "product to sell." It is called the Prescibed Evolutionary Hypothesis (PEH). I am not in the least bit interested in what other people have to say about either Fundamentalist, Bible-waving Creationism or Darwinian, chance-worshipping mysticisim. I have nothing but perfect contempt for both camps.
If someone doesn't like the way I run my blog, find another place to bitch about it. Now that you all have gratified yourselves, I will probably delete you after a bit. You offer nothing of substance by such mindless tactics. Invariably they come from anonymous chicken-hearted intellectual lightweights.
"Anonymity is nothing but licence for cowardly abuse and denigration."
John A. Davison
I love it so!
I don't own that piece of trash. He is nothing but an object of contempt. Dilliam Wembski owns him lock stock and barrel. They deserve each other.
David Springer doesn't even own himself. If he did he would use his real name. His wife probably won't let him. It must be awful for her to have to live with such a loser and think of his poor children! It is hard to believe isn't it?
Now you just watch the hog (Sus springeriana) go ballistic over this little tid bit. It shouldn't take long. One thing is for sure,. He won't do it at Uncommon Descent. So far he hasn't interrupted a single response to the Davison thread with his trademark arrogant, condescending, bullying, bold print pronunciamentos. What a cowardly loser he really is.
I love it so!
I was born in Wiscinsin on June 25, 1928 and graduated from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1950 with a B.S. in Zoology followed by a Ph.D. in General Physiology at the University of Minnesota in 1954. Now what are the credentials for the rest of you?
I haven't checled my email but will now. Thanks.
I love it so!
I think the general question here is "what is the expiry date on a PhD?"
I checked my email and responded to three people who were trying to tell me how to run my blog. Since you remain anonymous, how the hell would I know whether you were one of them or not? It seems to me that if you have anything to say you should be right up front about it and present it right here. That is what I do and I highly recommend it for all.
I love it so!
drugs bunny, Sus springeriana I presume.
I am running this blog the way they all should be run, as an ongoing dialogue, a conversation if you please, complete with no deletions.
Go suck Wembski's member which is all you have ever done you lying two-faced "prescribed" hypocritical pile of genetic trash. You make me and God only knows how and many others sick and tied of your stinking tactics. Just examine some of the comments right here you floating turd.
I love it so!
Well I can't find any dirt on my email about the great Spravid Dinger so someone is not telling the truth. The trouble is, with all these cowardly anonymous posters, who is the phony? I mean besides Springer of course.
I love it so!
I have mad amounts of information about Spravid Dinger. I will email all of it to you but you must promise to be merciful on him.
I love it more!
Promises, promises!
I love it so!
Any cowardly anonymous poster on my blog is by definition Spravid Dinger. Got that? Write that down.
Several of you have emailed me to tell me that it is wrong for me to run my blog with a single long thread. While I appreciate your apparent good intentions, I am not going to change my system. Let me tell you why.
At my advanced age and generally poor condition I am interested at this point in one thing only. That is to leave a record of the way my work has been received by the "amateurs" that infect cyberspace. I have already established beyond any doubt that the "professional evolutionists," also known as Darwinians, have chosen to ignore my several papers just as they have always ignored all the many critics of the biggest hoax in the history of science.
I don't have time to watch threads disappear into the sunset as they are ignored. It also allows me to compose drafts for future papers based on the mindless reactions that I am still able to evoke from "prescribed" ideologues who are incapable of realizing that they have dedicated their entire adult lives to a myth. I love two-faced lying creeps like Spravid Dinger as they remind me of the nature of the opposition from the other side of the fence, the Fundamentalist, born again, Protestant Christian Bible-thumping element represented both by the leadership and many of the clients at Uncommon Descent.
I say a pox on both on their houses. When a published real scientist has been banned from interaction with transparent mystics, I want that record to stand and it will if it is up to me.
Any blogczar or forum owner that has banned me has earned the appropriate new name that it has received from me by way of response. That includes Esley Welsberry, Dilliam Wembski, M.P. Zeyers, Pott L. Scage and of course, last and most certainly the most heinous of them all, Spravid Dinger, the biggest two-faced and most perfectly documented hypocrit in the history of internet communication.
"A man in armor is his armor's slave."
Robert Browning
Spravid Dinger is the armor protecting Dilliam Wembski just as Falan Ox is protecting Esley Welsberry. They are both garbage in my book and one of the declared purposes of my blogs is to make that indelibly clear. They have kindly done that for me and for any objective observer.
I love it so!
I think it's a bit harsh comparing me to Dave Springer. Also, strangely flattering, as I don't have his abilities in lying, hacking, insulting and downright general psychopathy.
Well Falan, I have to agree with you about that. I hope that makes you feel a little better about yourself, but the fact remains that you are afraid to even mention my name at the Bunker. It must be awful to have to live like that. Don't you agree?
I love it so!
But there was a thread about you at PT click here and at Pharyngula. Did you not wonder why traffic had increased here recently?
As I have said previously, no one takes you seriously, so there really is no point in my relaying. I like commenting at ATbC and occasionally at PT, so, no, I am not going to jeopardize my posting privileges.
Unless you have something new to say, of course.
Hey folks quick, go over to Uncommon Descent and examine post number 12 on the thread about what ever happened to Davison. There you will find the great Spravid Dinger with his big bold-print arrogant, condescending,intervening style offering his version of why my papers were purged, a version that was by his own admission, personally inspired and had absolutely nothing to do with the substance of my papers. Naturally I am delighted. What a transparent asshole. He also has disclosed that Wembski has never mentioned my name. Of course I have trashed Dilliam Wembski. I have no more respect for him that I do for Dichard Rawkins. They are both helpless, hamstrung lightweights, each trapped in his own self-generated "prescribed" private world and neither one a scientist by the wildest stretch of the imagination.
It is hard to believe isn't it?
Read and enjoy!
I love it so!
Sir Richard Dawkins has published many more peer reviewed papers than you.
You are right that Bill Dembski is not a scientist, as Jeffrey Shallit would have testified, if Dembski had had the courage to testify at Dover.
Bloody Hell, John,
ISCID gets more loonies than ever these days. Urantia?
Your stuff seems almost lucid by comparison.
BTW, ask Hagen what field of engineering he has a Ph D in, and tell him I've read all the Narnia books (out loud to my daughter as bed-time stories).
Falan Ox, you degenerate fool.
Since when has number of papers ever meant anything. Gregor Mendel published 13 only a couple of which were even biological yet he revolutionized science. That Queen Elizabeth knighted that man is a disgrace she will one day have to live with and it wont be much longer.
Dichard Rawkins is a deranged ultra Darwinian zealot who has generated his own idiotic little world for which he is the sole proprietor. I don't know a single decent sciemtist who has ever taken seriously anything the man has ever written. Each of his books is more ludicrous than the one before. He is now into spinning rainbows for God's sake. Do you morons over at the Darwinian Alamo actually take anything this phony has ever written seriously? Apparently you do which oddly doesn't surprise me. Prescribed atheist loony tunes are like that. They gather in little in bred isogenic intellectual ghettos like Panda's Thumb where they spend most of the time congratulating one another on their clever remarks, oblivious to the real world around them which long ago reduced the Darwinian fairy tale to ashes. You are pathetic so I think I will let your idiotic comment stand as proof, at least for a little while. What a jerk!
It is hard to believe isn't it?
"Darwinians of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your natural selection."
John A. Davison, after Karl Marx
I love it so!
Get this folks. This is precious. Falan Ox has freely admitted that even mentioning my name at the Bunker would, in his own words, "jeopardize my posting privilages."
It is hard tobelieve isn't it?
I love it so!
Out of interest, why do you make all of your posts in the Comments section of your first post instead of making new posts?
alan saunders
If you had been reading this blog you would know that I have answered that question a few messages back for the umteenth time. Those who don't like my stream of conciousness, no holds barred approach to internet communuication need not participate here. This way everything everybody says remains right where it belongs in chronological order and not buried in some long forgotten thread that went south long ago.
Besides, I have only one product to sell, a brand new hypothesis for organic evolution, the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis or PEH for short.
Thanks, I presume, for at least usimg your real name. That is rare on this blog and always appreciated.
I love it so!
I sure wish someone who can still post at Uncommon Descent would ask Spravid Dinger to explain how he could possibly purge my papers from the side bar when it was he who had proudly placed them there himself. He certainly has offered no explanation for that bizzare behavior. Of course your question might never appear but that would be also be revealing wouldn't it?
I love it so!
Of course most of the posts are mine. I have a product to sell. I have deleted virtually no one. I thoroughly enjoy you all insulting one another and me. None of it has any revelance to the subject of this blog. You are exposing yourselves as you prattle on. Don't worry. I will soon clear the slate of all posts that do not address real science so get your stupid licks in while you can.
I love it so!
Good job I saved it all then.
sevyn, whoever that really is and I am sure we will ever know. Anonymous cowards are like that.
Any deletions you may have noticed were not made by me except in the very beginning of this blog. In my earlier blog I made absolutely no deletions. Spravid Dinger deletes his own comments all the time as soon as he realizes what an ass he has been which is also all the time. I have no control of deletions made by the authors as you are aware. That does not mean I will not delete comments in the future because I have every intention of cleaning up this blog very soon. I will notify all in advance and identify every message I delete and explain why. how does that grab you oh most anonymous one? I have no respect for those you will not divulge their identity and I never will have.
I have deleted no one so far so all can appreciate one another a little longer if it will make you happy.
I am a published scientist who has offered a new hypothesis for organic evolution and, as the title of this blog suggests, that is my primary interest.
My rule has always been that I will let anything stand that deals with the subject of organic evolution. You have offered nothing so you will be among those who will disappear soon. Trust me. Now take this opportunity to spew some more of your meaningless mindless comments before I lose my patience with all those who must resort to such tactics and clean up this blog.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank David Springer, aka Spravid Dinger, aka Sus springeriana for calling attention over at Larry's blog to remarks made by P.Z. Meyers, aka M.P. Zeyers on his blog, Pharyngula about my two blogs. I appreciate any publicity that can be generated concerning the author of a new hypothesis for organic evolution. Any publicity is good publicity. I thought everyone knew that by now.
So all enjoy your pathetic self indulgent moments in the sun of the only blog in cyberspace that is being run by a real scientist who has actually published several papers dealing with the great mystery of organic evolution. Show me another blog owner that can make that claim. You can't and you all know it!
"Meine Zeit wird schon kommen!"
Gregor Mendel
And thank you Falan Ox, aka Alan Fox for offering to perpetuate the mindless comments of all those that have chosen to behave like perfect fools here. I really appreciate that.
Incidentally, despite the statement to the contratry, this blog really does allow anonymous comments. I love that brand of cowardly behavior. It is music to my ancient ears.
I love it so!
richard tracy
If there is no such thing as real anonymity on the internet then why do so many cowardly two faced swine insist on using it?
I am assuming that richard tracy is your real name. Is it? To prove that would you be willing to tell us all a little more about yourself. If you don't I will just have to assume that it was an alias. That is what has happened to internet communication. Anonymity should never have been allowed in the first place. It has never been anything but license for unbridled abuse and anal compulsive catharsis. If it were up to me every poster would give his full name, his street address and his employer if he has one. It would be the best thing that could ever happen to the wonderfully ephemeral, meaningless, cowardly world of cyberspace. Presently it is little more than therapy for sick sociopaths like David Springer and unfulfilled losers who were quite incapable of making it in the real world.
I love it so!
You are priceless. Have you never heard of Dick Tracy?
Its Springer as usual, hinting at his detective capabilities.
I just reviewed the posts and found that there have been 16 deletions, not one of which was by me. Now I will begin to apply my criterion which is to what extent a comment has contributed in any way to the subject of this forum which is the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis. If in my opinion it has contributed nothing. it will be deleted with one notable exception. If I even suspect that it may have come from David Springer aka Spravid Dinger, aka Sus springeriana, I will let it stand as testimony to the character of the biggest two-faced liar of all time. Got that? Write that down.
I love it so!
Well folks as you can see I have only begun to purge this blog of nonsense. A couple of things should already be obvious from my responses. Most of the deletions came from Spravid Dinger and no one else. It should also now be obvious that if I delete a message it was I that deleted it and no one else. I think for the time being I will let you morons continue insulting one another but I must warn you that any further derogatory comments about me will be summarily deleted as they appear.
When I have more time I will resume reviewing the earlier threads for potential purging.
I will also confess that I did indeed delete one or two of the very first messages from Alan Fox and noah cronym. The reason that did not appear is because I chose the option that they should be erased forever which I have not done since. From now on you can be absolutely certain who did all the deletions, when not by me then by the author of the comment. David Springer remains the world champion deleter and banner of all time as this blog so eloquently testifies. He has even deleted himself at Uncommon Descent where he is in charge as head blogczar! What a loser he really is.
It is hard to believe isn't it?
I love it so!
There is only one thing more cowardly than using an alias and that is later deleting that same comment. The sequence of deletions and my responses on this blog establish beyond any reasonable doubt that Spravid Dinger is in a class all by himself in this most exclusive category of degenerate ethical and moral behavior. The man has no self control whatsoever. He is a text book sociopath, a victim of his "prescribed" fate. Naturally,
I love it so!
I just deleted that comment by Falan Ox in which he called me a liar. I may be mistaken but I am not a liar. Another one like that and you will never leave another coment on this blog again. Trust me asshole.
i love it so!
Do you now understand the difference beytween a post deleted by its author and one deleted by the blog manager which is myself. If you do I would consider an apology from you. If you don't offer one that is fine too. I'll simply consider the source should you present another post. I also recommend you use your right name if you expect any respect from me. That goes for all other anonymous cowards as well. It is one of my pet peeves and should never have been allowed in the beginning.
I love it so!
Falan Ox
Thanks for your candor. I have a few comments.
First I never knew of a scientist of note who ever retired and I have no intention of taking your idiotic advice. You should be so lucky as to have me retire. Not a chance!
Second, the reasons no one pays any attentioon to the PEH is because it cannot be rationally assailed. It is in complete agreememt with everything we know for certain both from the fossil record and the experimental laboratory. The real reason that it is being ignored is the same reason that all the sources that made it possible have been ignored. It is because the Darwinians are ideologically and intellectually hamstrung with the idiotic notion that evolution has and had a demonstrable external cause. Such a cause has never been identified because it never existed.
I find it so revealing that you use the collective "we" in explaining your refusal to accept the PEH. Let me tell you who some of your precious "we" are.
"Sir" Dichard Rawkins, the biggest phony in all of science, no doubt about it.
Mernst Ayr, who never did an experiment or visited a paleontological dig in his life.
Gephen J. Stould, Ayr's colleague down the hall at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard who also contributed absolutely nothing of note to our understanding of evolution.
All three voluntarilly abandoned any semblance of science and dedicated the rest if their pathetic lives to writing science fiction for the consumption of like minded, "prescribed" homozygous atheists like themselves. Two of the "Three Stooges" are thankfully dead and were lucky to pass on before they were exposed as losers. Dichard Rawkins is not going to be so lucky unless he decides to do himself in which I regard as very likely. Hara kiri is really the only honorable thing for him to consider.
Finally let me say that you have promised never to mention me again several times in the past and like everything else about you, your word is meaningless.
I am going to let your imbecilic post stand as permanent testimony to you, your fellow inmates over at Der Fuhrer's terminal tomb and bunker and to Darwinian mysticism generally.
Thanks for posting and once again exposing yourself as a damn fool.
I love it so!
I see Dinger's thread about what happened to me is about to disappear from the radar screeen where it was visible for a grand total of exactly 5 days. That is typical of the tactics employed at Uncommon Descent. They have to do that so everyone will forget the garbage that they had previously posted. That is a primary reason my system will always be superior to theirs. I have nothing to hide and plenty to continue to expose without interruption. They have everything to hide and nothing to expose except more mystical fundamentalist oriented bull droppings and internally controlled prattle completely regulated by the biggest two-faced lying phony that ever lived, Spravid Dinger, the hand-picked bullying blogczar of Reverend Dilliam Wembski who apparently doesn't even believe man is an animal.
It is hard to believe isn't it?
I love it so!
Giuseppe Sermonti publshed and continues to publish my papers. That phony closet Fundy you work for is afraid to even mention my name in hard copy or even on his own forum. Neither have any of the other IDists he hangs out with. They are all scared shitless of me because they know damn well that if they even mention my name they will have to acknowledge my sources, the finest biological minds of two centuries. He leaves the dirty work to the biggest liar that ever trod the sod - yourself. There is not a dimes worth of difference between the Darwimps led by Dichard Rawkins and the Bible bangers led by Dilliam Wembski. They are all full of it right up to their egomaniacal eyeballs.
As for Sermonti, the mark of a great editor, which he most certainly is, is one who will publish those with whom he may not agree. What has Wembski ever published in a scientific journal or you for that matter. Where has he ever mentioned my name after I handed him ID on a platter twenty two years ago and did it again several times since? He is a cheap egomaniacal zero just as Dichard Rawkins is across the pond. You and your self-centered master are both intellectual and ethical garbage which is why you naturally gravitated to one another. You deserve one another and now will forever be linked as the dynamic duo from Uncommon Descent, Dilliam Wembski and his faithful two-faced lying mongrel cur - Spravid Dinger. I'll see to it asshole. Trust me. Now, like the good little gofer you are, give your cowardly boss my warmest, freshly steaming, odiferous regards. If Dembski had an ounce of common sense he would close up his shabbly little groupthink before you destroy what little credibility he may have left. As long as he has you as blogczar he is on a suicide course. Naturally -
I love it so!
Is there anyone here who can post a message at Uncommon Descent? I would appreciate it if someone would remind Wembski of Spravid's rabid comments both here and over at Larry's blog. I have repeatedly tried to alert him of Dinger's behavior but he has no email address and has never responded to anything I have ever presented even after I was invited back to Uncommon Descent. Even Dinger said it was "weird" that Wembski never mentioned my name. Well it is not weird to me. It is for exactly the same reason that Esley Welsberry doesn't either. Both of these phonies are scared to death of me, my papers and my sources. So is "Sir" Dichard Rawkins. All three are intellectual trash trapped in their "prescribed" destinies and a decent scientist has never referenced any one of them in a scientific jounal and never will. There is absolutely no reason to as they have never contributed a scintilla to the real evolutionary literature. They are all three desperately trying to preserve their idiotic self-generated little fantasy worlds. God but it is gratifying to observe such creatures. You have no idea how pleased I really am.
You remember what "Darwin's Bulldog," Thomas Henry Huxley, said about Bishop Wilberforce?
"God has delivered him into my hands,"
Well thank you God. You have delivered both Dilliam Wembski and Dichard Rawkins into my hands right along with all their empty-headed, adoring followers. Tens of thousands of mindless sycophants, on each side of this insane debate, march obediently, following their deranged, baton waving leaders in lock step like lemmings marching to certain destruction in the sea. It is glorious!
Thanks a million God.
I love it so!
If you are seeking a scientific discussion from me I suggest you consult the published literature in a decent library where you will my several papers as well as the books and papers of my several predecessors.
My purpose with this forum is not to discuss scientific matters but to expose both the Fundamentalist Bible-bangers and the atheist Darwinians for what they really are, knee jerk, "prescribed" ideologues without a clue as to real evolutionary science.
I have presented, over the course of the last 22 years, a new hypothesis for the MECHANISM of organic change, a MECHANISM that will never be reconciled with either Darwinian, chance-happy, mutation-intoxicated, mysticism or Fundamentalist, Bible-banging creationism. Neither of these firmly ensconsed factions has ever contributed anything of lasting value toward the solution of the great mystery of evolution. Quite the contrary they have dedicated most of their energies toward denigrating each other as is perfectly obvious from what one sees on internet blogs.
I am afraid you are wasting your time expecting science here. My science is preserved for all time on the shelves of the world's libraries right along with the contributions of my sources not one of whom was either a Christian Fundamentalist or a professed Darwinian mystic. Quite the contrary, they all saw through both ideologically based illusions and, by being real scientists, provided a firm basis for the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis.
So go elsewhere for your idea of science. Try Panda's Thumb if that is your preference or Uncommon Descent if you choose the other extreme but you will find no science in either forum. You will find only two hero-worshipping cults each bent on the other's destruction much to my delight. I say a pox on both their degenerate houses. That is the real purpose of this blog.
Thanks for posting.
I love it so!
That is hilarious coming from the Wembski/Dinger dynamic duo, neither one of whom ever published anything in a refereed journal in their miserable lives. Rivista di Biologia was good enough for Wembski's bosom buddy Wonathan Jells to publish in wasn't it? He is just another half-assed philosopher and a moonie to boot. I am surprised Sermonti allowed it.
Now like a good little one man goon squad, scuttle back to Uncommon Descent and try to post another thread. I have a sneaking feeling that Wembski has had just about all of you he can stomach and afford. If he hasn't, so much the better.
Are you listening to your hand picked blogczar Wembski? I sure hope so and I hope you don't do a damn thing about it. You two deserve one another in spades!
Speaking of email you prick, long before you invited me back to Uncommon Descent you were claiming you were going to "piss on my grave." Go piss your pants little man. What a flaming loser you really are.
You are the most despicable, two-faced, hyocritical, lying pile of dung that ever of walked this earth and Wembski knows it too. That is why he keeps you around. You are two of a kind and a perfect match. Nevertheless, I think you are becoming too much of a liability even for the great Reverend Dilliam "Bible Code" Wembski.
It is hard to believe isn't it?
Why don't you prove he can still tolerate you by introducing another thread. It has been all Wembski for quite some time now. He is obviously running scared about something. He has plenty to be scared about as he has absolutely no credibility with the scientific community, never did have and never will have. Fundies are like that. He is no better than the Darwimps and that is really saying something. He is right on a par with Dichard Rawkins. They are both flaming egomaniacal loony tunes each living in his own self-generated fantasy world and each with thousands of naive gullible followers. It is gloriously amusing.
By the way, speaking of cowardice, when are you going to start using your real name you stinking yellow bellied, two-faced, lying coward? Won't your wifey let you? It must be awful for both her and your kids having to live with an asshole like you. I sure hope your condition isn't genetic even though it most probably is.
"Everything is determined... by forces over which we have no control."
You are the perfect living example of what Einstein meant. You have no control over yourself which you prove every time you open your foul, stinking, vicious, sociopathic mouth. Give my regards to your fellow coward, Dilliam Wembski.
"Both of you are birds of self-same feather."
William Shakespeare
Thanks for posting and I won't delete it. You will have to do that as you usually do.
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I have heard Richard Dawkins referred to so many times as Sir Richard, I just naturally assumed he had been knighted. Why would I think otherwise of the man widely recognized as the greatest intellectual of his age? When may we hear of Sir William Dembski on the other side of this idiotic debate? They are both two-bit losers in my book and so is David Springer, Dembski's precious foul-mouthed lap dog, the biggest phony in all of cyberdom.
Are you listening Wembski?
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Wow folks!
Three in a row from Dinger all praising himself and none of it has anything whatsoever to do with the subject of this blog. Quick -copy it before he decides to delete himself again.
Now I should delete these three on the grounds that they are meaningless which they are but considering the source I will not. Instead I suggest we nominate Dinger for the father of the year award.
If Spravid Dinger had any integrity at all he would not find it necessary to employ the tactics he has grown to be famous for wherever he surfaces. Unable to criticize the message, he now dumps on the messenger, the journal - Rivista di Biologia.
Keep it up Sus. It is music to my ancient ears. You continue with your knee jerk behavior to be my very best ally.
I hope you are listening Wembski. Isn't your hand picked one man goon squad precious though? I am sure you must be very proud. I recommend you muzzle this rabid mad dog as he is certainly not doing your forum any good.
On second thought, don't, please don't. I want to see the pair of you go down hand in hand.
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It is now thirteen consecutive threads without one by Dinger at Uncommion Descent, twelve of them by Wembski himself. What has happened to his personally appointed blogczar? Do you suppose Wembski has finally realized this creep is doing his cause no good? Let us pray that Reverend Wembski may have finally seen the light. Secretly I hope he hasn't of course. These two losers deserve each other. The sanctimonius Reverend Wembski is Dr. Jeckyl, "Mad Dog" Dinger Mr. Hyde!
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As anyone who has followed my interactions with Spravid Dinger knows, he has repeatedly claimed that the University of Vermont '"threw me out" that I am not an Emeritus Professor and that I have lied repeatedly about my position with that institution.
Here are some facts for Spravid Dinger to consider after which he really should honor me with with a personal apology. Fat chance eh?
I resigned in good standing from UVM on December 1, 2000, the same day that Jeff Gamble resigned to become the President of Montana State University and in my opinion for many of the same reasons. Since then my daughter Jennifer was put through four years at UVM, tuition free, graduating with a degree in Plant and Soil science because she was the daughter of an Emeritus Professor at the University of Vermont. I enjoy full library privelages at UVM only because I am an Emeritus Professor at the University of Vermont. I enjoy and utilize one of the finest Medical Insurance Programs in the nation only because I am an Emeritus Professor of Biology at the University of Vermont. My last visit to my chiropractor cost me seven dollars thanks to the fact that I am an Emeritus Professor at the University of Vermont.
Now I am pleased that this lying piece of genetic garbage has said what he has about me because this is now my long overdue response. Let the record show just that. Don't be surprised if he now deletes one or more of his own rabid, totally unfounded, personally directed posts. He is the banningest, deletingest blatantly lying blogczar in the history of the internet. He even deletes himself. Nothing could possibly please me more.
He and Wembski, who sponsors all of his activities at Uncommon Descent and elsewhere, deserve each other. They are two-faced faces of the same coin.
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I have no complaints against Intelligent Design.
I presented evidence for Intelligent Design twenty-two years ago with my first paper. That paper has been reintroduced by the way at "brainstorms" forum where you may draw your own conclusions. My complaint is with the IDists (the Darwimps call them IDiots). They not only refuse to recognize my contributions to Intelligent Design, they have even hired thugs like Spravid Dinger to discredit me whatever the cost. The Darwinians are no better. They too pretend that I do not exist just as they have treated all my distinguished predecessors not one of whom was either an atheist Darwinian mystic or a religious fanatic like Reverend Wembski. We several critics of the biggest hoax in the history of science are not allowed to exist by the leaders of each of these opposed factions because they have on several occasions been indentified as lightweight, anti-intellectual, ideologically hamstrung trash. I hope this answers your question. If it doesn't let me know and I will try to clarify things for you. It is one of my favorite pastimes and I never tire of discussing it.
I handed the IDists Intelligent Design on a platter twenty-two years ago and several times since and I still don't exist because if I were to exist both of these egomaniacally dominated cults would go down the tubes in a nanosecond and they both know it. Instead they attack one another much to my delight. They are both full of you know what right up to their eyballs and I intend to make damn sure the world knows it. I would think that Wembski would take a lesson from Esley Welsberry and leave me alone. But no, he insists on sending forth his hired goon, Spravid Dinger to attack me wherever I appear. Some folks just never learn and I am not complaining. Keep it up Wembski and don't ever tell me you are not responsible for this pig's behavior. I know better.
"And then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source... They are creatures who can't hear the music of the spheres."
Albert Einstein
Thanks for posting and thereby giving me this opportunity to respond.
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Tukla in Iowa said...
Professor Davison, why do you post everything in the comments section instead of on your blog's main page?
He posts everying in comments because he's too lame to figure out how to post properly. His first "blog"
had 800+ comments to its one and only post before he created this one in March. I imagine he'll create another blog when this one gets to unwieldy.
The real question here is why does the University of Vermont lie in their teeth about my status as an Emeritus Professor. Why don't you ask them Sus? I already know the answer.
One more blatant lie from you about my status at the University of Vermont and you better be prepared to respond to my attorney. Got that? Write that down.
Thanks for once more exposing yourself. Don't stop.
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Spravid Dinger, aka Sus springeriana, that new species of Texas hog.
You just don't get it do you. The last thing I want is for you to stop. You are very best thing that ever happened to me and my science. You are the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks a million.
More, more, Encore I implore.
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I want someone to show a single post that I ever made that I subsequently deleted or a single published paper that I ever had to retract or alter in any way.
I also am not in the least bit interested in informing the University of Vermont that I actually am a bona fide Emeritus Professor. It is an indictment of their character that they do not formally recognize that I am exactly that. They will have to live with everything they do just as we all will. It is all a manifestation of the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis.
I tried to warn Reverend Wembski of the dangers that Spravid Dinger presented to his integrity. He chose to ignore me. That is fine with me and I won't bother with him further. He is beneath me and has proven it twice. However I will never stop exposing his personally appointed blog czar who continues with his vicious attacks against my honesty and integrity. There are certain things that are not to be tolerated and Dinger has a genius for implementing them. He is garbage And I hope he never changes.
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What the hell is Spravid Dinger using my blog for now? Why everybody knows that. It is to blow his own horn. I will leave his egomaniacal ravings here for a while anyway simply BECAUSE it has nothing to do with the subject of this blog which is a brand new hypothesis for organic evolution. He is the gift that keeps on giving. The only reason he surfaces here is because there is hardly any place else that will have him.
Why doesn't he say something vicious about me so he can decide to delete it later the degenerate pig?
He can kiss my ass!
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Who says the asshole isn't on the level? Nothing would surprise me about the most consistent lying hypocrit that ever trod the sod. I do know that he was courting Reverend Wembski last summer. He threw a big party for Wembski on his yacht as I recall.
It apparently worked out just fine for the pair of them and they have been "in love" ever since. Any fool can see that. Slurp slurp, don't you know.
Naturally -
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Poor Dinger is taking a shelacking from Wembski's strongest supporters and reponding in his usual arrogant, pontificating, threatening, bold font, intrusive, insulting way.
Haven't you folks at Uncommon Descent had enough of this creep yet? Have you no pride, no sense of common decency. How much longer can you tolerate this Fascist pig? How much longer can Wembski put up with him? Time will tell I guess. It always has. Naturally -
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I have no intention of stopping to talk shit about DaveScot. He is definitely worthy of my undivided attention. Got that? Write that down.
Hey Sus baby
Do you mean the Big Baptist Bible Banging Bill Dembski? Is that the Big Bill whose ass you are licking? You naughty, naughy boy.
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I did and I also deleted the one that Sus springeriana, the Texas hog, posted under my name. Isn't he precious though? Don't worry Sus, I won't delete anything I know is from you provided you use your own name or names. You have so many you know. You are the gift that keeps on giving. Don't stop.
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Sus springeriana just got himself deleted with that last one and can look forward to more of the same. He is the unwiped ass of cyberspace and proves it every time he opens his stomadeum which is indistinguishable from his proctatdeum.
Ar you listening WEmbski? I strongly recommend it.
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Not a chance asshole.
Now please notice folks that Sus spingeriana (The hog from Texas) has promised not to return. Let's see if he can keep his word shall we?
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Spravid Dinger, the cowardly, two-faced lying pig with a thousand aliases.
As for deleting your stinking message, I have simply saved you the trouble of deleting it yourself. You are the biggest auto-deleter in history as even a cursory examination of this blog will testify. Even Falan Ox will have to agree with me on that one. Let's see of he will shall we? Why else would he have to be copying you all the time?
What a perfect hypocrit you are. Why don't you give serious consideration to really deleting yourself? It is really the only honorable solution for you. Any fool can see that.
I hope you are listening Wembski. Behold your servant and one man goon squad. If you think he is an asset to Uncommon Descent you are sadly mistaken which suits me just fine. Carry on!
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Neither Dembski nor any of the other IDists ever mentioned my several papers which I began publishing long before the so-called ID movement even began. I have little respect for any of them. They decided to call ID an "inference," which I regard with utter contempt. You would think they were the first in the world ever to regard ID as a reality. There is only one real biologist in the whole ID movenent and that is Michael Behe. He is also the only one for whom I have any respect. Even he has never mentioned my papers which are pure ID from beginning to end. The rest of them are a motley assortmnet of theologians, lawyers, philosophers and a mathematician with very questionable credentials.
If you can't understand why I regard David Springer as a pig you have not paid much attention to his activities as Dembski's personally appointed blog czar at Uncommon Descent. Don't interrogate me, interrogate them. I am a published scientist whose contribution will be acknowledged when they are all long forgotten, recognized as the intellectual lightweights they have already proven to be.
I hope this answers your questions. If it doesn't, I couldn't care less.
Thanks for posting.
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I learned long ago that there is no "sense of fair play" in internet forums. My philosophy has always been Old Testament in nature. I am quite able to contribute effectively at ISCID's "brainstrms" where I am treated with a modicum of respect, but it will be an "eye for an eye" at ideological extremities like Uncommion Descent and Panda's Thumb. They are both cults, one dominated by William Dembski, the other by Richard Dawkins. These are closed union shops whose primary activity seems to be the destruction of one another. Of course I think that is just wonderful and have said so which is why neither faction can tolerate me. That suits me just fine; a plague on both their houses. I have been permanently banned from their proceedings, a sufficient explanation for my contempt. That Dembski allows Springer to represent his forum in any way is an indictment of Dembski's character and, of course, Springer's as well. I have no respect for either.
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Now you just watch folks.
Spravid Dinger will now prove his word is not worth a nickel and respond in his inimitable vicious fashion, even though he has promised not to as his earlier post attests. Maybe he will even delete it first. God knows he has done that before, innumerable times, the indelible mark of the congenital hypocrit.
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I have some good news for a change. I have been invited to participate once again at EvC. That is very much to the credit of the management there. I will certainly respond.
That raises an interesting question. Why can't that also happen at Pharyngula, Panda's Thumb, ARN and most especially Uncommon Descent where I have been the foremost exponent for Intelligent Design. Perhaps the leadership of those forums could follow EvC's lead. We will see won't we? Somehow I doubt it.
In any event I have just elevated EvC a notch or two in my forum evaluation scale. The others I mentioned are all tied at minus one on a scale of one to ten.
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This is my blog and I am very well known. That is why I have just deleted you. You contributed absolutrely nothing to my other blog just as you contribute nothing to this one. You are pathetic.
I am not at all convinced that Sus springeriana, the Texas pig, won't return in some new incarnation. His word isn't worth a nickel or haven't you noticed?
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I don't have the patience to copy that long URL.
I see that Wembski over at Uncommon DFescent is still identifying the word "evolutionist" with the Darwinian variety. Has it never occurred to him that there has been a long tradition of evolutionists who never accepted one word of the atheist Darwinian myth? Or has he rejected evolution entirely? Such would seem to be the case judging from his language. Maybe that is why he banned me. I am most certainly an evolutionist just as were all my illustrious sources, not a Bible-Banger nor an atheist Darwinian in the lot!
Perhaps the Reverend would clarify his position on the matter of our origins. I don't believe he ever really has. This blog would be the perfect place for it.
It is hard to believe isn't it?
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What article? I have no idea what you are talking about.
stevenhutchings aka Spravid Dinger.
I knew you couldn't stay away you degenerate pig. Thanks for exposing yourself.
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Sorry Spravid but you are history on this blog just as you are on so many others and for exactly the same reasons. Get some help or better yet - don't.
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Oh THAT article. That is the one that says " evolutionists are finding it more and more difficult."
Once again Reverend Dembski plays to the adoring Fundies in his audience by lumping all "evolutionists" as one. That is exactly the kind of shabby hypocricy that I find so unacceptable.
You would think that all "evolutionists" are and were atheist Darwinian mystics. Nothing could be further from the truth. He apparently can't help himself any more than can his trained attack dog, Spravid Dinger.
It is too bad that I, who was publishing "anti-Darwinian," "pro Intelligent Design" papers when Dembski was in high school, am not included in what he describes as a "united front." He remains ethical trash in my book and so does his faithful one man goon squad, David Springer, the man with a thousand aliases. His hypocricy dwarfs even Dembski's. They are both two-faced self-anointed egomaniacs. That is why they remain together. They need one another don't you know.
You would think he was the leader of the ID movement. Mivart spearheaded that movement in 1871, a scant 12 years after Darwin's Origin. There have been dozens more since and not one of them was a Bible Banging Baptist hypocrit.
Bible codes indeed! Who does he think he is kidding?
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It is Davison you imbecile. You had the last word at my earlier blog you twerp. Now stop revealing yourself as the asshole you really are and crawl back to wherever it was you came from.
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stephenhutchings my ass.
That is Sus springeriana, the Texas pig, Wembski's one man goon squad and and chief sycophantic brown nosed toadie. What a pair of losers. You deserve each other. Bible codes yet?
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Yes Sus springeriana, I just deleted you. Once again you prove that your word means nothing. it is you who soils himself every time you lie in your teeth. In the immortal words of Archie Bunker:
"Stifle yourself dingbat!"
Next time use your usual name, DaveScot. That way you will subsequently delete your post as you always do, saving me the trouble. What a two-faced, cowardly, lying pile of congenital garbage you really are. Give my congratulations to Dilliam Wembski for tolerating you and your shabby tactics. Naturally:
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I invite all to see what is going on with the PEH over at EvC. They invited me back and I am having a ball. Imagine, I am in the 'Showcase" category now. Maybe DaveScot, aka Spravid Dinger aka Sus springeriana, the Texas Pig would like to chime in there if they will let him of course or how about Reverend Dilliam Wembski or Esley Welsberry or any other ideological hamstrung loony tune. Come one, come all as I have always said. Vent your stupid spleens. I'll defend the PEH any place, anytime, anywhere against any adversary, Darwinian, Lamarckian or Fundie. They are all full of it right up to their eyeballs.
I'll leave a light on for you. Bye now.
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I have just deleted if, rennie and steven hutchings (Spravid Dinger) on the grounds that they contribute absolutely nothing to the subject of this blog which is a brand new hypothesis for organic evoluton. They also share a common cowardky anonynity, character denigration and utter lack of respect for a published scientist, his scholarly publications and the distinguished sources that made those papers possible. It was a pleasure for me to do so. Thanks for exposing your selves. You bore me with your inanity and garbage behavior.
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That miserable excuse for a human being will find a way to continue to try to discredit me, of that you can rest assured. That is exactly what I want him to do because the poor sick bastard plays right into my hands every time he tries it. As the one man goon squad that he so obviously is, he drags his Lord and Savior, Reverend (Bible Codes) Wembski, right down with him. It is grandly and gloriously gratifying!
Naturally -
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I am at present engaged in some very stiumalating discussions both at EvC and at Brainstorms. This blog is mostly for fun and for exposing trash like Spravid Dinger, aka Sus springeriana, the Texas pig, for the whole wide world to really savor and appreciate. Once again you have demonsrated that your word is no damn good. You are genetic garbage. I will let your shit stand long enough to be fully appreciated and then I will gleefully give it the deep six. You are pathetic and a coward to boot. Naturally -
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